Being President Campaigning, blamestorming, and partying is hawd woik! According to the Obama’s official schedule, the First Family will visit the disaster hit Gulf Coast in Florida for a weekend in August and will spend 10 days in the upscale northeastern resort island of Martha’s Vineyard. And Michelle and the kiddies will take a vacation […]
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- ruralcounsel on Trump Admin Fires Hundreds Of NOAA Climate Cultists: “Cruel and thoughtless? What is cruel and thoughtless is making taxpayers pay for these people to remain employed and not…” Feb 28, 18:55
- joe on Trump Admin Fires Hundreds Of NOAA Climate Cultists: “i live in tornado alley and pay a lot of attention to the weather and i’ve noticed how they have…” Feb 28, 17:12
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Zelensky just discovered that the money gravy train has come to a stop. The grifting days of Biden are over.…” Feb 28, 16:01
- Professor Hale on If All You See…: “Looks like Graham was looking for a way to disentangle himself from Ukraine fiasco and Zelenskyy provided it… thin as…” Feb 28, 15:56