One would think that, after all the years of coverage about how Sheriff Joe Arpaio does his job, taking law and order very seriously, left wing protesters would think twice about doing what they did. Alas, no. Considering how many left wing protesters are second and third shift workers at fast food joints, maybe they needed a good meal and a place to stay?
At least 50 protesters angry with Arizona’s new immigration law were arrested Thursday during numerous acts of civil disobedience, and some temporarily delayed Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s latest crime sweep that opponents say was designed to arrest illegal immigrants.
On the day that Arizona’s scaled-down immigration law went into effect, hundreds of activists marched on downtown Phoenix, but one of the biggest confrontations occurred just outside Arpaio’s Fourth Avenue Jail.
Wait, “hundreds”? That’s it? Anyhow
Protesters there blocked an entrance to the Maricopa County facility, prompting the arrests of 23 people after they refused to move. At least two journalists covering the event were detained by the Sheriff’s Office, but both were later released and not charged.
Don’t mess with the real Sheriff Joe, who had been planning one of his typical crime sweeps for over two weeks. However, the police had to waste valuable resources dealing with these schmucks, rather than safeguarding the people of Phoenix.
“We’re not trying to get arrested, we are trying to make a point,” said Ruben Lucio, 21, of Phoenix.
Well, then, congratulations, Ruben, you entered the bonus round!
- 10 were arrested for blocking Wilshire Blvd.
- 13 arrested in Tucson
And here’s something fun, related to the main story
Shouts of “Stop SB1070!†and “Yes, we can†could be heard above the noise of traffic, police sirens and a helicopter that was patrolling the area.
More: Oh, Lord, morons in Raleigh
As drummers beat a steady cadence at the head of the line, marchers in Raleigh said they are afraid immigrants are being drummed out of the country by laws like the one enacted by Arizona.
“Humans have the right to migrate,” said protester Edward Rubino. “We’ve been migrating since the time of Moses…without borders. Therefore it is our birthright to migrate.”
The protesters also whined and said that SB1070 is already here in NC, since most counties participate in the 287G and ICE programs.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

yeah, huns and mongols had also the right to migrate, unfortunatedly they couldn’t murder the ancestors of stupid suicidal liberal morons like edward rubino