July 23, 2010 – 9:30 am
Yeah, I know, John Kerry is kinda old and busted, but, he has been trying to rehabilitate his standing with his climate change wackadoodleness (I don’t care if it isn’t a word, being Friday and all), and, let’s face it: it’s really funny exposing Democrats for the hypocrites they are Sen. John Kerry, who has […]
July 23, 2010 – 7:40 am
At least for this year Senate Democrats pulled the plug on climate legislation Thursday, pushing the issue off into an uncertain future ahead of midterm elections where President Barack Obama’s party is girding for a drubbing. Rather than a long-awaited measure capping greenhouse gases — or even a more limited bill directed only at electric […]
July 22, 2010 – 5:54 pm
Hey, GOP/RNC, are you freaking paying attention? We know Obama and the Democrats aren’t. Here is one of your campaign points I do find it interesting that so many Dems opposed keeping the tax cuts, yet, they never bother to send extra money in to the IRS. Why is that? Anyhow, the story is entitled […]
July 22, 2010 – 9:30 am
No, seriously, he will, and he seems really geared up for it! President Obama will sign into law Thursday the Improper Payment Elimination Act — an effort designed to slim down wasteful government programs and curb fraud in federal spending. “The fact is, Washington is a place where tax dollars are often treated like Monopoly […]
July 22, 2010 – 8:11 am
Yesterday, I had a second post ready to go about about racism, which included a bit from Ben Smith’s article about Obama being pretty lame on the subject (Melissa Clouthier covers that story this morning.) However, since there were several other posts about racism up at Right Wing News (I cross post the first two […]
July 21, 2010 – 6:58 pm
When it comes to illegals, Liberals are just getting truly silly. Redding.com picks up the story of one Gauldry Almonte-Hernandez, recounting how he made it all the way to mountains of Trinity County, California, perhaps after spending some time at the zoo and doing all sorts of touristy things, found himself at a marijuana camp, […]
July 21, 2010 – 9:30 am
Heh heh. Mr. Do As I Say Not As I Do has some humorous “advice” for federal workers (via Planet Gore) President Barack Obama wants federal workers to cut down on business travel and commuting by car as he seeks to reduce heat-trapping emissions produced by the federal government. The White House was announcing Tuesday […]
July 21, 2010 – 8:18 am
Once again, a media outlet builds a cute little strawman argument regarding the illegal immigration debate. They know they do not have a leg to stand on, and it would not be particularly popular, if they tried their real argument, namely, that they are in favor of saying “screw the law, we want new voters.” […]
July 20, 2010 – 3:01 pm
You know it’s not a real science when everything supports the premise An American heart transplant recipient who climbs mountains to demonstrate the power of organ donation has been turned back by frigid weather and loose rocks while attempting to summit Africa’s second-highest peak. Kelly Perkins, 48, had hoped to climb Mt. Kenya’s tallest peak […]