Monthly Archives: July 2010

Obama Takes Credit For Oil Cap

Over at Forbes, Brian Wingfield writes about something I noticed yesterday, as well, while listening to the Jason Schnitt Show on the way home (taped delay in Raleigh, tuned in using iHeart Radio), which had excerpts from PeBo’s speech. Though, Wingfield is a bit more charitable with his headline: Is Obama Claiming Credit for Gulf […]

HHS To Require Your Electronic Medical Records Include BMI, Tubby

But, hey, don’t worry, none of that information included in your gub’mint required electronic records will ever possibly be stolen, leaked, hacked, messed up, or missused. But, it could be used to make you put down that cupcake, bubble butt New federal regulations issued this week stipulate that the electronic health records–that all Americans are […]

Uh Oh: USA Today Brings Up The D Word

Ah, it looks like the media is finally staring to notice what Obama and the Democrats’ policies, added on top of the recession, are a bad idea, though they do tip toe around the Dems malfeasance .….Such outright wage declines hint at deflation — a generalized drop in wages and prices. The last time that […]

Government #3 On List Of American’s Concerns

As Obama goes on yet another vacation, this time to Maine, at the end of a week where Michelle Obama urged everyone (else) to visit the Gulf region and take a vacation there, no one should be surprised by these numbers. Except Obama, who’s probably thinking he and the Dems are doing a miraculous job […]

Today’s Arizona Illegals Lawsuit Ends With No Decision

Good news? Bad news? It’s good for the moment A federal judge in Phoenix didn’t rule on whether to block Arizona’s new immigration law Thursday after two hours of testimony in the first major hearing in one of seven challenges to the strict crackdown. The Phoenix police officer who filed the lawsuit could be fired […]

DoJ: Sanctuary Cities? Yeah, They’re Fine

Idiocy from the DoJ The Justice Department sees it differently, saying Arizona is unconstitutionally interfering with the federal government’s role in immigration control. “There is a big difference between a state or locality saying they are not going to use their resources to enforce a federal law, as so-called sanctuary cities have done, and a […]

Companies Sitting On Cash, But, Not Hiring. Media Shocked!

Hidden within this Washington Post article is a warning to “Corporate America”: Obama is probably going to be coming after you in short order Corporate America is hoarding a massive pile of cash. It just doesn’t want to spend it hiring anyone. Way to start off on a truly negative note, WP. Nonfinancial companies are […]

Morgues Overflowing In Kenya, Guess What Is To Blame?

Pro hint: it’s not Bush Doctors at Mutomo District Hospital in Kitui said the hospital’s morgue is overflowing with dead bodies as a result of the suicide surge, and its beds are full of survivors of suicide attempts. Mukele, the psychologist in the region, said some suicidal farmers have harmed their families as well. “Many […]

Oh, Hey, 57% Support Arizona’s Illegal Criminals Law

On Monday, The Christian Science Monitor had an article (via Yahoo News) that had support at 51-35% for/against the Arizona legislation. Yesterday, CBS came out with Public support for Arizona’s controversial new immigration law has increased slightly, a new CBS News poll shows, with 57 percent of Americans characterizing the law as “about right” in […]

Obama Finally Finds A Reason To Hate Al Qaeda

Remember right after September 11th, how Obama was wondering what America did wrong, and how we have to understand the motives of these terrorists? Wasn’t that much outrage from PeBO, but, now, witness why Obama finally hates al Qaeda In an interview earlier today with the South African Broadcasting Corporation to air in a few […]

Pirate's Cove