July 10, 2010 – 1:54 pm
Funny how the Dems want to blame Bush, yet, they controlled the House and Senate, you know, the branch of government which passes laws and such. Via Gay Patriot, from Newsalert
July 10, 2010 – 9:30 am
Funny stuff from the Washington Post If imitation is the highest form of flattery, the “tea party” movement must be honored. In an effort to replicate the tea party’s success, 170 liberal and civil rights groups are forming a coalition that they hope will match the movement’s political energy and influence. They promise to “counter […]
July 10, 2010 – 7:43 am
Let’s see: The NY Times pitches a hissy fit over Arizona police asking for the “papers” of those who have come in contact with the police during a lawful interaction. Obama sending federal agents around to companies to ask for the papers on their workers? No freakout. That’s strange, eh? The Obama administration has replaced […]
July 9, 2010 – 9:39 pm
If you’re inviting a Baptist pastor to lead a prayer in the South, yeah, the name of Jesus is going to be mentioned. Unfortunately, he ran into modern Democrats A North Carolina pastor was relieved of his duties as an honorary chaplain of the state house of representatives after he closed a prayer by invoking […]
July 9, 2010 – 4:38 pm
Over at AOL, Noah Blumenthal turns around and bites himself in the tuchus – Opinion: We’re Becoming a Nation of Haters California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa takes pride in opposing the Obama administration. Democratic Reps. Henry Waxman and Nancy Pelosi played that role when George W. Bush was in office. Keith Olbermann provides a nightly […]
July 9, 2010 – 12:39 pm
How did this slip in to the article? An analysis of weather records at Georgia Tech reveals that the average number of heat-wave days in large U.S. cities each year had increased from nine in the mid-1950s to 19 by the mid-2000s. The news is even worse for the country’s most sprawling cities, such as […]
July 9, 2010 – 9:02 am
Oh, ok, I know, it’s not necessarily fair to drag Obama into this, but, hey, he is The President, right? That was the standard set while Bush was president. Getting beyond that, this incredible article shows exactly what Obama and the Democrats want to do with the American court system, namely, outsource oversight and sovereignty […]
July 9, 2010 – 8:27 am
Well, Happy Friday! It seems that ye olde Washington Post is just not down with terming the tanning tax as racist. Remember this article the next time they and the other media go all wonky on a TEA Party gathering, or something similar Mention the new “tan tax” in a major news outlet and cries […]
July 8, 2010 – 6:55 pm
Just coming across the newswires, no one has the full details yet, but, looks like a court has told Obama to go pound sand, and that deepwater drilling will be allowed to continue until the full case is heard. Just a little earlier in the day, at 6:25pm, Reuters stated that the court was divided. […]
July 8, 2010 – 12:52 pm
Because your snowflake really should have that hamster, and you, as his/her parent, are just too stupid to understand this Sell a guinea pig, go to jail. That’s the law under consideration by San Francisco’s Commission of Animal Control and Welfare. If the commission approves the ordinance at its meeting tonight, San Francisco could soon […]