For a change, someone, in this case, Laura Bassett, at the Huffington Post makes a good point: Dwindling Retirement Savings ‘Undiscussed Explosive Bomb’ Of Recession. After the obligatory story of one man’s problems, we get Stephens’ predicament is an increasingly common one. Aside from stagnant wages, soaring unemployment and plummeting home values, the major tragedy […]
Recent Comments
- JimS on Liberal Wacko Busted For Vandalizing Tesla In Clayton, NC: “There needs to be a restitution aspect to her punishment. Make her work it off. Throwing her in the slammer…” Mar 29, 15:38
- JimS on Biden’s Internet Hookups Program Failure Shocks Even Liberal Jon Stewart: “It’s also completely irrelevant. There’s Starlink for rural high speed internet. And if you’re a sufferer of MDS, there are…” Mar 29, 15:32
- Professor Hale on SEC No Longer Defending Climate (scam) Disclosure Rule: “And charge any lawyer who tries to help you defend yourself with a criminal conspiracy under RICO.” Mar 29, 15:23
- JimS on If All You See…: “What is it with democrats? Are they all in some weird contest to see who can make the stupidest statement?” Mar 29, 15:16
- drowningpuppies on Biden’s Internet Hookups Program Failure Shocks Even Liberal Jon Stewart: “Doubling down on your stupidity, hey Rimjob? Comprehension really does matter, dumbass.” Mar 29, 15:05