Some mid-afternoon Monday humor
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- JimS on Liberal Wacko Busted For Vandalizing Tesla In Clayton, NC: “There needs to be a restitution aspect to her punishment. Make her work it off. Throwing her in the slammer…” Mar 29, 15:38
- JimS on Biden’s Internet Hookups Program Failure Shocks Even Liberal Jon Stewart: “It’s also completely irrelevant. There’s Starlink for rural high speed internet. And if you’re a sufferer of MDS, there are…” Mar 29, 15:32
- Professor Hale on SEC No Longer Defending Climate (scam) Disclosure Rule: “And charge any lawyer who tries to help you defend yourself with a criminal conspiracy under RICO.” Mar 29, 15:23
- JimS on If All You See…: “What is it with democrats? Are they all in some weird contest to see who can make the stupidest statement?” Mar 29, 15:16
- drowningpuppies on Biden’s Internet Hookups Program Failure Shocks Even Liberal Jon Stewart: “Doubling down on your stupidity, hey Rimjob? Comprehension really does matter, dumbass.” Mar 29, 15:05