Come on, libs, step up, >a href=””>you know you would love to do this
Billionaire Alki David, who is worth 1.2 billion pounds ($1.9 billion) and comes in at number 45 of the Sunday Times’ rich list in the UK, is offering cash for daredevils to upload stunts onto a Web site called Battlecam to encourage them to film and upload stunts.
David is now offering $100,000 to anyone who is prepared to get naked in front of President Barack Obama with “Battlecam” written on their chest while shouting “Battlecam.”
I triple dog dare ya!

Looks like easy money…until you consider your medical and legal bills after the Secret Service knocks you to the ground and hauls your jaybird nekkid butt to jail!
Well, the USSS might actually whip out their mobile phones and take pictures. I doubt they care for Obama that much :)
Doesn’t Monica Lewinsky get this award? After all, she…..
Oh wait.
Wrong president.
My bad. ;)
Hi there! Alki David, personally wanted me to pass along this video to you!
Alki David’s Obama Streak Challenge for one million dollars naked before via @youtube