Jl on Democratic NC AG Sues Trump Over Birthright EO: “In addition, American born children of foreign diplomats have always been excluded from American citizenship under the jurisdiction clause” Jan 22, 14:07
Jl on Democratic NC AG Sues Trump Over Birthright EO: “Not at first-the 14th Amendment didn’t apply to American Indians, because “he owed immediate allegiance to his tribe” and not…” Jan 22, 14:01
Elwood P Dowd on Trump EO To Crack Down On Pro-Hamas “Protesters”: “Our Constitution, read it. https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript and: https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/amendments It appears that non-citizens in the US have our Constitutional rights. Regarding whether…” Jan 22, 13:14
Elwood P Dowd on Democratic NC AG Sues Trump Over Birthright EO: “[T]he Fourteenth Amendment affirms the ancient and fundamental rule of citizenship by birth within the territory, in the allegiance and…” Jan 22, 11:44
drowningpuppies on Democratic NC AG Sues Trump Over Birthright EO: ““Attack on the Constitution” Rimjob whines. Stop crapping your diapers. Many legal scholars claim dems and illegals are misusing the…” Jan 22, 11:19
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