How’s that hope ‘n change working out for ya? (Via Taegan Goddard from a Tammy Bruce tweet)
We’ll start rolling out our Ohio poll results tomorrow but there’s one finding on the poll that pretty much sums it up: by a 50-42 margin voters there say they’d rather have George W. Bush in the White House right now than Barack Obama.
Independents hold that view by a 44-37 margin and there are more Democrats who would take Bush back (11%) than there are Republicans who think Obama’s preferable (3%.)
I’m not sure “ouch!” really covers it. Maybe Scene Stealing Squirrel? Or, Dramatic Chimpunk?
Allahpundit has more, including a tidbit on the polling company.

Great Post! I always learn something when I come here…
Common Cents
I lived in Ohio for a few years. That’s a pretty blue state kind of place! Barack is in a lot of trouble of Ohio isn’t buying his “blame Bush” bull puckey!
It’s good to see that more people from my state are opening their eyes and paying attention to how bad Dems run things. Almost 400,000 jobs lost under one seemed like the slap in the face most of these people needed.
The poll is pretty wild after a few years of Ohio going Blue, eh?