Monthly Archives: August 2010

19 Cross-dressers Flogged Under Sharia Law

No matter what one might think of gays and/or cross-dressers, approve or disapprove, nowhere in human compassion should something like this happen to someone simply being themselves A SUDANESE court had 19 Muslim youths flogged in public overnight for dressing up like women. The punishment was carried out immediately after the sentencing by the court […]

Immigration And Customs Enforcement Council Gives Vote Of No Confidence In Leaders

I wonder why I am not finding this story at most of the major media outlets? Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents believe overwhelmingly that their department leadership has become so politicized as to compromise the effectiveness of ICE and the safety of American people. Their union has released a letter announcing its recent unanimous “vote […]

What’s On Your iPhone? Plus, A Great Contacts Sync App

Earlier in the week, President Friedman dropped a comment about what is everyone’s favorite iPhone apps. Let’s see, I have 92 apps, including the ones that come with the iPhone. Now, I used to sync my iPhone contacts, calendar, and notes up with the corporate laptop, and everything else with the personal. Of course, the […]

Gulp! Price Of Bacon Rises Because Of Globull Warming

Is there nothing that AGW doesn’t effect? Here’s a question for all you Freakonomic’s fans out there: what do this week’s stultifying heat indexes across much of the country have to do with the price of pork bellies? If you answered that both are at or near record highs, then you get a gold star […]

Missourians Overwhelmingly Vote Against ObamaCare Mandate

How popular is the health insurance mandate in Missouri? This popular Voters in Missouri overwhelmingly opposed requiring people to buy health insurance, in a largely symbolic slap at the Obama administration’s health overhaul. The referendum was the first chance for voters to express a view on the overhaul, although turnout in the state was low […]

Dingy Harry Abandons “Energy” Bill, Blames GOP

Aw, poor Harry Reid, having to say “the hell with it” on his smack BP around and create no energy bill Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Tuesday yanked the oil-spill response bill for the summer, giving Democrats a talking point about GOP obstruction even though some of their own members were blocking it. […]

Rule 5 Tuesday: Hamas Upset About Women’s Lingerie

The actual headline of the Reuters story Hamas targets women’s underwear in modesty drive Note to Reuters: you should probably avoid using the word “target” for a headline about Hamas. Anyhow The Islamist rulers of the Gaza Strip have ordered lingerie shops to display more modesty. A week after banning women from smoking water pipes […]

Illegal Immigrant, Released By Feds, Kills Nun In Accident

Perhaps Barack Obama should worry less about a “patchwork of 50 different states acting on their own,” and more about the Federal government not screwing up and being the indirect cause of a nun’s death The Virginia man suspected in a drunken-driving crash that killed a Catholic nun in Prince William County this weekend is […]

Aside: Nice Deb On Arizona Sheriff

Nice Deb: AZ Sheriff: “Our own government has become our enemy”

Aside: Gateway Pundit On Defaced American Flags

Gateway Pundit: Supporters of Illegal Immigration Deface American and Arizona Flags During National Anthem

Pirate's Cove