August 3, 2010 – 10:17 am
Cassy Fiano: Pete Stark: The Federal Government Can Do Most Anything In This Country
August 3, 2010 – 10:16 am
John Boehner: Faking It In America: Dems Admit They Have No Idea Where The Jobs Are
August 3, 2010 – 10:13 am
And So It Goes In Shreveport: Lady Gaga Worried About Pod People And SB1070
August 3, 2010 – 9:30 am
Here’s a fun little study, released last week Climbing temperatures are expected to raise sea levels and increase droughts, floods, heat waves and wildfires. Now, scientists are predicting another consequence of climate change: mass migration to the United States. Between 1.4 million and 6.7 million Mexicans could migrate to the U.S. by 2080 as climate […]
August 3, 2010 – 8:24 am
The one time Obama should be referencing George Bush, and, nary a mention President Barack Obama told disabled veterans in Atlanta on Monday that he was fulfilling a campaign promise by ending U.S. combat operations in Iraq “on schedule,†by Aug. 31. But the timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops in Iraq was decided during the Bush […]
August 2, 2010 – 4:17 pm
If I did drugs, I’d want some of what Stephanie Cutter is on Since the enactment of health reform legislation in March, several state Attorneys General have filed lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act.  Having failed in the legislative arena, opponents of reform are now turning to the courts in an attempt […]
August 2, 2010 – 12:32 pm
Yeah, AGW has nothing to do with the redistribution of wealth, among its other problems LEADERS at the Pacific Islands Forum will work to make the most of a windfall expected from a $US100 billion ($110 billion) ”climate aid” fund agreed at climate change talks in Copenhagen. The influx of aid money is expected to […]
August 2, 2010 – 9:43 am
For a change, an Old Media outlet does a very good job in explaining just how Arizona went from a state that was tolerant of illegals as little as six years ago to a state that wants them all gone. It’s a long article, chock full of reality, rather than liberal spin, well worth the […]
August 2, 2010 – 9:08 am
As we head deeper into the silly season, which occurs every two years, it appears as if one of the cute little liberal talking points about the tax cuts of 2001/2003 were only for the rich has truly rotted liberals brains. Facts are pesky things which, after all these years, still elude liberals, and now […]
August 1, 2010 – 12:38 pm
For a change, someone, in this case, Laura Bassett, at the Huffington Post makes a good point: Dwindling Retirement Savings ‘Undiscussed Explosive Bomb’ Of Recession. After the obligatory story of one man’s problems, we get Stephens’ predicament is an increasingly common one. Aside from stagnant wages, soaring unemployment and plummeting home values, the major tragedy […]