Monthly Archives: August 2010

Making It Up: A GOP Takeover Of Congress Would Apparently Be Bad For Economy

Just when you thought you saw it all, now comes this bit of idiocy Conventional wisdom is that markets like political gridlock, and so in theory investors should be cheering what seems increasingly likely to be a big GOP win in November. And by all accounts, the GOP will win at least in the House, […]

Climate Creationists Now Worried About Mussels

Interesting that people who worship at the alter of Darwin (admittedly, they do have many, many alters) see the Earth as completely unchanging, as something that must remain static for all time U.S. East Coast habitats of mussels, a popular seafood, are shrinking because of higher air and water temperatures from climate change, researchers say. […]

Latest Mosque Supporter TP: No One’s Complaining About The XXX Stores!

They little dhimmi liberals are digging deep to find some rationale for their support of the proposed mosque just a 600 yards from ground zero, in an area that was actually peppered with debris. Latest unhinged and clueless talking point, which, surprisingly, CBS News actually shoots down quickly Some victims’ families say the Islamic center […]

Proving That Those Recovery Signs Are Just Another Obama Propaganda Piece

CNS News does the work that the Old Media refuses to do Federal contractors receiving money for projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)—the $862 billion economic stimulus law President Barack Obama signed in February 2009—have been encouraged and, in some cases, required by the administration to post signs that say their work […]

Is The Ground Zero Mosque Dead?

Hopefully, this report is correct After weeks of heated debate over plans for an Islamic community center near Ground Zero – the site of the 9/11 attacks on New York – it seems Muslim leaders will soon back down, agreeing to move to a new site. The decision follows a high-profile campaign against the project […]

You Thought Your Golf Course Was Tough? Try Playing The AGC

AGC stands for “Amazon Golf Course” The Amazon Golf Course might just be the world’s most remote links. Getting to it means first getting to Iquitos, a bustling city of around 450,000 on the banks of the Amazon River. This is not the easiest thing. Iquitos is now the world’s largest city that is accessible […]

Yeah, About That Sea Level Rise Accelerating Meme….

You alarmists always want peer reviewed  (despite the majority of what you cite being flights of fantasy with little to no basis in science), so, here you go, from the Journal of Geophysical Research (Via The Hockey Schtick) The 20th century regional and global sea level variations are estimated based on long-term tide gauge records. […]

Hamas Supports Building Ground Zero Mosque

But, according to Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the main man behind the Cordoba Project, Hamas is not a terrorist organization. If he will not condemn Hamas, then he supports them. It’s not like he has ties to CAIR, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood. And they want the mosque built A leader of the Hamas terror […]

Illegal Alien, Deported Twice, Kills 14 Year Old In Texas

But, hey, let’s send a minimal force of National Guard troops down to the border, people who are not actually going to secure the border, just hang in the background as support personnel. That way, the federal government can be complicit in more despicable acts such as this (14 year old Shativia) Anderson was robbed […]

Fish Wrap: Weather Now Proves Global Warming

How many times have we climate realists been told that massive winter snow storms, cold snaps, and other weather phenomenon cannot be used to prove that anthropogenic global warming is a complete load of mule fritters? Ah, but…… In Weather Chaos, a Case for Global Warming The floods battered New England, then Nashville, then Arkansas, […]

Pirate's Cove