Your weekly outrage
One of the gun dealers of Austin’s Gun Show is sentenced to 6-months at a federal work camp for selling a weapon to an undocumented immigrant. Independent firearms dealer-Paul Copeland says for years he has commonly sold handguns and antique weapons with no problems and prior to his arrest the illegal immigrant showed him what appeared to be a valid Texas driver’s license.
In January 2009, the ATF along with the Austin police department set up a sting operation targeting independent firearms dealers that were selling weapons to illegal immigrants, both inside the show and outside the Austin’s Gun Show’s parking lot.
Got that? The illegal had valid ID, yet, Copeland was the one arrested and sentenced. If Copeland had asked for more, he would have been in violation of federal “supremacy” laws, ya know. Perhaps the ATF could have arrested the illegals?
Investigators with the Austin police department believed many of the guns sold to the undocumented immigrants at the show were headed back across the Texas-Mexico border. “I guess you need ask them for their documentation too; if the police aren’t going to profile why should the common citizen have to†says Copeland. He says none of the undocumented immigrants that were asked to testify against him were arrested by federal agents.
The police are probably afraid to ask for ID and arrest the illegals, otherwise, the Obama administration will sue them.
Austin’s Federal Judge Sam Sparks sentenced Copeland to spend the next 6-months at a federal work camp followed by 2-years of probation.
And what of the illegal who purchased the gun with valid ID? No one seems to know.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

No Teach I don’t “got that” The illegal had an INVALID I.D. It was like a liquor store selling to a kid who had a phony I.D. Even if it looks good the seller is RESPONSIBLE And Teach would you sell a phone to anyone that you suspected of being an illegal?
The illegal had an INVALID I.D.
Oh? Where do you see that?
The guy presented what appeared to be a valid ID.
Are you now saying that the seller should have suspected the person was here illegally and asked for his green card?
You racist bastard!
It was like a liquor store selling to a kid who had a phony I.D.
That is correct.
Even if it looks good the seller is RESPONSIBLE
No. The ID must be able to discerned as forged by a reasonable person. Store owners are not document experts and are not held to that standard.
And Teach would you sell a phone to anyone that you suspected of being an illegal?
You know Ryan, there are times when you are just being a jerk. (I can’t type a better description.)
What part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that prevents Teach from doing what you ask don’t you understand? We have covered this before and you keep repeating it. Are you that friggin’ stupid? Or are you just a troll who doesn’t care and have any honesty within you?