How’s that swamp draining working out for ya, Nancy P.?
North Carolina Congressman G.K. Butterfield is one of a half-dozen federal lawmakers facing an ethics probe for allegedly pocketing portions of his taxpayer-funded travel stipend.
The investigation comes on the heels of calls for Butterfield, a Democrat representing the state’s 1st Congressional District, to return $4,000 in campaign donations from a political action committee of embattled Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y. Butterfield has declined to do so or recuse himself from an investigation by the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct (aka the ethics committee) of Rangel. Butterfield is one of 10 members of that committee.
In response to the ethics investigation, Butterfield’s Republican opponent, Ashley Woolard, called on the congressman to resign.
“Citizens of the First District need honest leadership that will help our struggling economy, not another greedy politician feeding at the public trough as our economy burns,†Woolard said in a statement.
Just another typical member of the Party of Corruption.

Butterfield. Heh.
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