Rove Is Lucky That O’Donnell Can’t Turn Him Into A Newt

Karl, Karl, Karl, give it a break, buddy

Karl Rove – the top GOP strategist who declared last week that Christine O’Donnell’s surprise victory does “little good” for the party – is now calling on the surprise Senate nominee to explain her comments about witchcraft.

Christine responds

Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell responded to old clips that surfaced over the weekend where she said she had once “dabbled in witchcraft,” clarifying at a GOP picnic in Delaware Sunday, “I was in high school, how many of you didn’t hang out with questionable folks in high school? But no, There’s been no witchcraft since, if there was, Karl Rove would be a supporter.”

OK, OK, Karl is just trying to get her to go out and explain the comment, but, really, it might be more worthwhile for Karl to get out there and say “sheesh, people, this was over a decade ago, and the actions where even older. What exactly is the big deal?” Make the crazies actually explain what the problem is. Then throw out some “are you people intolerant?” smack followed by “let me tell you about Chris Coons’ record” talk.

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4 Responses to “Rove Is Lucky That O’Donnell Can’t Turn Him Into A Newt”

  1. john says:

    Teach what exactly is “dabbling” when you are out on a DATE with a witch ? Is that some kind of codeword for some kind of weird satanic/lesbian activity ? There were some references to that in The Urban Dictionary which also furnished the derivation of the name of The Otter Man.

  2. proof says:

    So that’s what happened to Newt!

  3. Hank says:

    Rove is making himself irrelevant rather quickly these days. Sad in a way, but better to find out now.

    John, dabbling is what Obama is doing to the country. Checking it out, not taking it seriously, and then going back to what he likes to do best. In his case, campaigning and blaming others for his shortcomings.

  4. captainfish says:

    I take it Johnny never dabbled in something odd or strange or new when he was growing up….

    We have all done something fairly odd, bad, or even wrong when we were young and stupid.

    If her only bad “history” is that she hung out with “witches” during a brief period in high school…. and her opponent is a blatant Marxist who walks around with a leash attached to Sen Reid, …….. then I’ll take the hot witch!!!!

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