Unfortunately, this means that, unlike Copenhagen, the Chicago Olympics, picking up his Nobel Peace Prize, and all the Democrat candidates who went down in flames just because he showed up, Cancun might actually succeed. Or not (via Tom Nelson)
After the acrimony and bitterness of the Copenhagen summit last December, (climate change special envoy Todd) Stern said the Cancun meeting would revert to the level of ministers and senior foreign ministry officials, with no world leaders expected.
Don’t worry, though, Obama still wants to further destroy the US economy by enacting a 17% greenhouse gases cut by 2020. Good luck with that, Chump, as you won’t have the House to help you out, and you’ll be writing your memoirs come 2013.

Memoirs hopefully from a cell in Leavenworth.
Forgot this. You need to upgrade your wordpress to 3.01.or higher.
You’re right. I keep forgetting and putting it off. Started the process on my testing site to make sure it doesn’t hose my theme. That’s happened before.
I don’t understand. This nut can mandate a 17% cut in greenhouse gases which translates into a 17% cut in productivity and increased cost, but he can’t mandate a 17% cut in the size and cost of the Federal government. Go figure.
I do hope we can get this guy in jail.
Upgraded. Look OK to everyone?
the 17% is our TARGET. The USA has already begun to decrease its greenhouse gas production dropping 1.5% in 2006 and that was in one of the last year when economy was doing well. Not sure how doing things like turning out the lights in unused rooms, or properly insulating a home will hurt our economy perhaps you could provide a libk showing that
Looks good to me.
Israel is a big time believer in how green house gases effect the global climate and is setting an even more ambitious reduction target than the USA.
Greenhouse gas abatement potential in Israel
November 2009
Israel’s overall GHG emission abatement potential is limited in comparison to that of other countries. This study identifies technical and behavioral abatement measures that could reduce Israel’s expected doubling of GHG emissions by 2030 by almost three-quarters. The total net cost to the economy of implementing all technical measures would be approximately zero in 2030, but it requires action by all constituencies.
Download executive summary (English) (PDF – 176 KB)
Read the report (Hebrew) (PDF – 912 KB)
And Teach don’t embarass yourself talking about all the fuel being wasted flying there even a Gulfstream private jet gets 14 gal per passenger mile. And fuel efficient big jet clocks about 100 miles per passenger per mile and that is without even factoring in the air mail and freight they are hauling
And the House doesn’t approve TREATIES that is the province of the Senate If a treaty is signed pledging the USA to meet certain goals Obama will not need the House
In 6 weeks, he won’t have either.
And Teach don’t embarass yourself talking about all the fuel being wasted flying there even a Gulfstream private jet
How can you talk about embarrassing oneself when you just did?
Or are you under the impression that 100 passenger miles per gallon is somehow less than 14 passenger miles per gallon?
Once again, you have shown your inability to understand basic concepts that involve math, time, and distance. (Still think that 600 years is equal to 5 miles?)
And the House doesn’t approve TREATIES that is the province of the Senate If a treaty is signed pledging the USA to meet certain goals Obama will not need the House
Yet the House will be required to make legislation for treaty compliance. Or are you lacking in basic knowledge of government and the Constitution as well?
I said nothing about treaties, John. Way to read your own fantasies into the post.