Usually, all the tofu eating leftist alarmists are against any sort of genetic modification. It’s all “like, we need organic, ya know, dude? Back to nature. Down with science”. Despite all organic being less productive, more manpower intensive, and less safe (you know they often spray feces directly on the produce, right?) Yet, for globull warming, I’m sure they’ll make an exception
Forests of genetically altered trees and other plants could ameliorate global warming by sequestering several billion tons of carbon from the atmosphere each year, a new study reports.
Plants could be modified to capture more carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into long-lived forms of carbon, say researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. For example, the study says, they could be altered to grow better on marginal land, yield improved crops or send more carbon into their roots, where it could remain out of circulation for centuries.
What could possibly go wrong with doing this? Could they end up supplanting the regular trees, and taking too much CO2 out of the atmosphere, a gas needed for life?
Move over, polar bear. The Pacific walrus may be the new icon of global warming.
Like polar bears, walruses are dependent on floating sea ice to rest, forage for food and nurture their young.
Like polar bears, walruses are suffering because of a scarcity of summer and fall sea ice in Arctic waters that scientists attribute to climate change.
Hmm. Walruses have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. They can certainly survive yet another warm period, can’t they? Survival of the fittest? Darwinism? It’s not like the current sea ice is more extensive than during most of the last 9,000 years or something. Or that it has been just as warm if not warmer several times over the past 2,000 years. Anything to create hysteria, though.
Rather than focus on reaching a legally binding climate agreement, the United Nations should take a stronger role in making sure that countries promote the development and use of cleaner energy sources, Yvo de Boer, the U.N.’s former climate chief, said on Friday.
At a time when the U.N.’s long-held ambition of reaching a new treaty to curb emissions blamed for global warming seems out of reach, Mr. de Boer said many countries, as well as companies, wanted “to be held accountable†for their efforts at promoting greener policies and industries.
The U.N. could help to fill that role and do more to help craft a rule book for the way countries like China monitor and verify pledges to lower greenhouse gas emissions, Mr. de Boer told the Global Clean Energy Forum, a conference convened by the International Herald Tribune.
In other words, the United Nations wants more power to control the world, and people, and they will do anything to get it. What else could we expect from a group comprised by so many thugs and dictators?
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

I’ve always wondered about that. If the anti-religious are so hell-bent on Evolution and survival of the fittest, then drowning polar bears and drying ghost shrimp should be justifiable. Right?
If they are unable to survive in the current environment that supports our way of life, then weren’t we the most fit?
If we are just animals like the shrimp and polar bears, then don’t we have as much a right to “fight” for our most compatible environment in which to live?
Obviously, there are going to be some humans who like it hotter. Others will like the temps colder. Thus, since we are nothing but animals in this world of survival-of-the-fittest, one group of us is going to have to succumb to the will of the majority in either a political or physical way.
…. if we’re nothing but animals struggling through this evolutionary cycle with our brother monkeys….
Lets not call them German or British terrorists, lets call them what they really are muslim terrorists as that is that 20,000 of them since 9/11 have had in common.
aaaakkk!! He said the M word.
AAWWWGGGKKKKKK!!!!! He even used the T word.
We are not supposed to use the T word anymore. Obama said so. Teach, you might want to report this guy to the proper authorities.
Sorry, I already turned my self in as a Red, White and Blue Racist American and commie hating SOB, back when we had that big “turn in your neighbor” drive from the Kenyan in Chief.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKK!! An escaped felon!!
Teach call the proper authorities!!!!!
Wait….. (reality sits in)…. like this administration cares about the rules of law, the constitution, and obeying his oath of office.
Ok Rob, you’re good to go. Keep up the good work. But, as a condition of your parole, you are going to have to face John at some point. And live to tell about it. Are you up for it?
Sorry, don’t know John? I just stumbled on to this place a couple months ago and kinda linked the rants :) But, I am about as ready for the revolution as I will ever be, have a 6yr old little girl and I don’t want her wearing a baggie because dumbo is a closet mussie with commie leanings. I think we are in for some very scary times, in like “you ain’t seen shit yet!” With the open borders that both parties have left us the last 30 years, there is no telling what has been sneaking in, and those are the ones that aren’t in DC.
Well Sir,
If you stick around long enough, you’ll get to know John.
As to your hopes and fears for your 6yo.. Amen brother. Amen. Keep up the fight and train your daughter right. Our fight right now is for our children’s future and their freedoms.
Honest talk is what we need to air out this trash! And yes, I do plan on sticking around have the site marked on all my computers! Nice yacking at you Captainfish. I run a small car board, hearing all the sheeple thinking that things will be all right and the obama is king about had me ready to pull the plug. ( I am going to call it a night. Best to you and yours!
Katy, TX
wow, just noticed that I f’ed up and posted under the wrong thread – lol, well it’s late :)
hahahaahahaha. won’t hold it against ya. I knew what ya meant.
Porsche, eh? You own one?
bought a boxster 12 years ago, best car that I have ever owned, first new on also – I was young and dumb then, wouldn’t spend that much on a car ever again. But my future wife was making pretty good money, so we had some to spare and we wanted to travel. Now that there are three of us we either go in her car or the truck, but I get it out on nice days for a drive to work. They can be had very cheap now and if you are a car guy… I think that I actually bought the car because i was trying to kick the street bike habit, which was there because I was trying to kick the dirt bike habit…I have since gone back to dirt bikes and love it, but at 52 and 30 years off, it is taking a while to get back in shape and get the skills up for dodging trees, they hurt!
“but at 52 and 30 years off, it is taking a while to get back in shape and get the skills up for dodging trees, they hurt!”