Sucks to leave a job then find out you may not be eligible for the one you want. The always reliable Lynn Sweet dishes the dirt
The first question isn’t: Can Rahm win? It’s: Can Rahm run?
Sunday, Rahm Emanuel announced in a video posted on a website that he is preparing to run for mayor of Chicago. But two of Chicago’s top election lawyers say the state’s municipal code is crystal clear that a candidate for mayor must reside in the town for a year before the election.
That doesn’t mean they must simply own a home in the city that they rent out to someone else. They must have a place they can walk into, keep a toothbrush, hang up their jacket and occasionally sleep, the lawyers say.
Another three election lawyers say Emanuel could be thrown off the ballot on a residency challenge. None says Emanuel will have it easy.
But Emanuel’s problem as he prepares to run for mayor is that he rented out his house, and the tenant refuses to back out of the lease.
“The guy does not meet the statutory requirements to run for mayor,” said attorney Burt Odelson. “He hasn’t been back there in 18 months. Residency cases are usually very hard to prove because the candidate gets an apartment or says he’s living in his mother’s basement. Here the facts are easy to prove. He doesn’t dispute he’s been in Washington for the past 18 months. This is not a hard case.”
Being that this is Chicago, would anyone be surprised if they bend the law for Obama’s buddy Rahm?

I don’t see why he isn’t eligible. He is a perfect fit for Chicago-politics.
Teach the rightwing has been wallowing in self pity over the Dems and “thud” MAN UP Teach and tell the right to grow a pair the rightwing used to be the tough guys not they just whine a lot
That makes no sense whatsoever. Are you sure you are even on the right website?
Hahahahah, WE’RE whining? Hahahahahahaha, that is rich John, very sarcastically rich.
I guess the right were the “tough guys” when the left pounded them over and over with false accusations and misinformation day and night, and the right just took it without returning the volley?
Now, the left is still pounding and pounding the right with BS, but we’re dishing it right back at them with facts and reality, and that makes US whiners?
I don’t think so John.
At least not in the universe we live in, but perhaps in the one YOU live. La La Land