So, I just saw a commercial for Grier Martin, who is running for re-election in North Carolina for District 34, General Assembly. No mention of party affiliation. Nor does his website mention party affiliation. He’s an “independent voice.” Apparently, even those running for state assemblies do not want to let voters know they are Democrats (the ActBlue donation link at the bottom of his website is a give away, though). My Demaidiot (for NC 33) is Rosa Gill, who doesn’t want to say she is a Democrat, either. Make sure to vote for Paul Terrell in NC 33! BTW, he has no problem saying he is a Republican and a Conservative.
Then we get to Brad Miller (NC-13 US House). Brad is a far left liberals liberals. The American Conservative Union rated him a zero for both 2008 and 2009. He has a lifetime rating of 4.71 (7 years). He voted for the Stimulus, for ObamaCare, for the Wall Street destruction act, Cap and Tax, and pretty much most of Obama and Pelosi’s agenda. Too be fair, he is generally pretty good on gun rights, and he voted to prohibit Congressional pay raises (which failed). However, he consistently votes in favor of abortion on demand, against oil drilling on US land, is for amnesty, voted against a balanced budget amendment, and is constantly supported by all the unions. (I drew most of the information from memory, as well as here and here.)
Interestingly, his website doesn’t portray him as a Democrat. Oh, sure, the far left moonbat blog links at the bottom right could be a dead giveaway, but, even Brad’s bio page fails to mention he is a Democrat. He hasn’t bothered to update his campaign site to show that he voted for ObamaCare. Still the same as when he ran fro re-election in 2008. Much of his site has not been update, at least among the issues. I wonder why? Oh, sure, the background is Democrat blue, but, he doesn’t mention Party affiliation. Why’s that, Brad?
Meanwhile, you have Bill Randall, who unabashedly tells us he is a Conservative and a Republican. Which one, Randall or Miller, will represent the people of NC13 best in Congress? A guy who is constantly out and about, meeting the people, or a guy who can barely be bothered? A guy who makes his positions crystal clear, or a guy who will not only not run on his record, but can’t even admit which Party he belongs to?

Bill Randall is endorsed by the citizen grass roots organization The Independence Caucus. Mr. Randall took an 80 question vetting test and then was interviewed by members for an hour. This was recorded and uploaded to our communication website and then members voted.
Mr. Brad Miller failed to respond to the request. Of course all questions were based on constitutional limited government and fiscal responsibility so that might be why.
Vote Bill Randall…the obvious choice for district 13!