Think that one will resonate with voters? Of course, the liberals will probably call it dirty, mean spirited, the same old same old talking points. Which has always amazed me. It’s “mean” to talk about someone’s voting record? Anyhow
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Nevada Voters shows Angle hitting the 50% mark for the first time since mid-August, while Reid earns 46% of the vote. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate in the race, and two percent (2%) more are undecided. (To see question wording, click here.)
This marks the widest gap between the two candidates since late June, but the race remains a Toss-Up in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Senate Balance of Power rankings.
Anyone want to bet that Angle continues to widen the gap, despite all the personal smears thrown at her?
More: and right on time, a liberal, Taylor Marsh, whines in
This ad is a complete lie. In fact, Reid and the Democrats voted down the amendments offered during the health care debate, just like the one Angle touts in this ad, because they knew they’d see negative ads on them if they didn’t. Not to mention that the notion of giving Viagra to sex offenders would never be supported by any Democrat, let alone Harry Reid who is a devout Mormon.
Yet, honey, he actually did vote against the amendment. Neither CNN nor The Politico could find a lie.

That left a mark.
Toss up to Rasmussen’s formula, maybe – but the trend line is unmistakable. Looks like a wave to me. I expect Bob Erlich to gain 5 points overnight since Barry was stumping for O’Malley today.

“Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”
But, but, it was mean! How dare she use his votes against him!
Let’s hope the trend line continues.
Harry Reid is a devout Mormon?!!?!?!?!?
That’s like saying a shark is a devout fish. Sure, he swims, but he will eat you alive.
No devout “anything” would cotton abortion on demand paid for by federal dollars.
I heard a pretty nasty attack ad from Reid on Angle in Reno today. It’s going to get ugly. Reid may be hoping that a “None of the Above” vote may be a spoiler for him.
It was beautiful. The Amendment was a standout – 2 simple components, and simple wording.
Voting against it was inexcusable.
But Harry was in the heat of a sense of Power, and too exhilarated by it to have any sense at all – as if he ever did in his whole entire life, anyway!
It’s wonderful that he has done himself in and has no one else to blame at all for it.