In yet another article that shows the lengths climate alarmists will go to support their unhinged and cultish theory, dying is now bad
In Western societies, disposing of a dead body has come down to two choices: there’s burial, and there’s cremation. Occasionally, a corpse is donated to science, but even those remains usually make their way to the crematorium in the end.
But since climate change has piqued the world’s environmental awareness, it has become clear that death, despite being the most natural of processes, is bad for the environment. Coffins, most of which are made from nonbiodegradable chipboard, take up valuable land space. Even when coffins are biodegradable, embalming liquid, which often contains carcinogenic formaldehyde, can leak into the soil. Cremation, during which remains are burned at 1,562°F (850°C), comes with its own problems. According to the research of University of Melbourne professor Roger Short, the process can create up to 350 lb. (160 kg) of greenhouse gases per corpse, including the remains of the coffin.
Hey, what about burial at sea? Anyhow, it looks like we can no longer even die in peace, as the alarmists will surely start banging their hippie drums to “die green.” If only there was a solution….
In Australia, one company recently started selling a greener alternative. Aquamation Industries claims to offer a unique, cheaper, more carbon-neutral method of body disposal. Aquamation employs a process called alkaline hydrolysis, in which a body is placed in a stainless-steel vat containing a 200°F (93°C) potassium-hydroxide-and-water solution for four hours until all that remains is the skeleton. The bones, which are soft at that point, are then crushed and presented to the deceased’s family. The residual liquid contains no DNA, and the procedure uses only 5% to 10% of the energy that cremation uses, says John Humphries, a former funeral-home director who is now the chief executive of Aquamation Industries, which launched its services in August. According to Humphries, Aquamation accelerates the processes that occur in nature. Even the residual liquid can be recycled: Humphries measures the pH after the procedure is completed, and if it’s deemed too high in alkalinity, he adds vinegar or citric acid to it afterward. By that time, he says, it’s safe enough to pour on the rose bushes.
Good for them, making money off climate alarmism. So, all you little alarmists, run off and make sure your bodies are disposed of in a carbon friendly way. No coffins or cremation for you. As for burial at sea, we do make decent food, but, our bodies release copious amounts of methane and some CO2, so, no, you can’t give your body to Poseidon.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

“Coffins, most of which are made from nonbiodegradable chipboard”
ummmm… have they ever owned a chipboard product?!?!!?? Those things degrade from just looking at them.
[…] -I’ve said it before and I’ll keep on saying it: The Pirate’s Cove is THE place to go for the latest info on the set of scams known as Global Warming Climate Change Climate Disruption. Did you know that dying is bad for the climate. […]