Krystal, the Democrat candidate of the famed dildo-on-hubby’s-nose fame, released a statement today, and what better place to cross post it from her campaign website than that bastion of treating women fairly, the Huffington Post. Too be fair, though, if you read the whole thing, she makes some excellent points. She also gives a shout out to Sarah Palin for inspiring her, though Krystal disagrees with Palin on the issues. Mostly.
Politics is a nasty game. I knew that coming in. I thought I could take it. But the day that I bought my first radio ads, my opponent called the station and inquired as to the size of the advertising buy. Two hours later, these photos were released by a right-wing smear blog with close ties to my opponent. I don’t believe these pictures were posted with a desire to just embarrass me; they wanted me to feel like a whore. They wanted me to collapse in a ball of embarrassment and to hang my head in shame. After all, when you are a woman named Krystal Ball, 28 years old, running for Congress, well, you get the picture. Stripper. Porn star. I’ve heard them all. So, I sat in my husband’s arms and cried. I thought about my little girl. I couldn’t stand the idea that I had somehow damaged the cause of young women running for office. I couldn’t stand the idea that I might shame my family, my friends or my supporters in some way.
The tactic of making female politicians into whores is nothing new. In fact, it happened to Meg Whitman, one of the world’s most accomplished business women, just last week. It’s part of this whole idea that female sexuality and serious work are incompatible. But I realized that photos like the ones of me, and ones much racier, would end up coming into the public sphere when women of my generation run for office. And I knew that there could be no other answer to the question than this: Society has to accept that women of my generation have sexual lives that are going to leak into the public sphere. Sooner or later, this is a reality that has to be faced, or many young women in my generation will not be able to run for office.
Whether or not Krystal wins (she won’t. She is trailing way behind), I wouldn’t mind seeing her use this incident to rally women to step up and stop these kinds of attacks, particularly on Conservatives.

I dunno. I still see it as a sign of character. No, not everyone desires to have racy pictures of them taken and then shared. Granted, young people do stupid things. But, you’d think that by the time she was that age, she knew better. And, she isn’t that much older now. It has been less than 10 years. Can you really go from a free-spirited anything-goes willing to bare-it-all girl, to a democrat standard?
ummm.. ok, I take it all back.
This is the perfect standard. Look for the full support of former president Bill Clinton. He will promise to “stand behind her” in good and troubled times.
“The tactic of making female politicians into whores is nothing new.”
Normally, I might agree with her. But she was masturbating a plastic penis nose for a camera in public. She’s blaming the media for making her look like a whore just because she does photo shoots acting whorish? She won’t get away with it.This is entirely her fault.
I’m pretty sure a photo of a male politician holding a dildo would be a campaign ender as well.
Didn’t know that you were a Conservative Woman, Teach. But I am sure that women everywhere stand in solidarity with you.
Cry me a river. Hope it didn’t negatively impact her day job.
Listen, these people can’t have it both ways- if the press and every liberal lunatic is going to smear Christine O’Donnell for something she spoke about and that happened long ago, then this rather offensive, but not criminal behavior is fair game too. You want to delve into Meg Whitman’s home life then we can do it to all the rich fat cat Demorats like John Kerry.
As stupid and putrid as it all is, the double standard has been employed by the left forEVER, and they ought to be called on it every chance we can.
Even though I truly believe we SHOULD be to leave this tripe OUT of an election/campaign. An even playing field is all we ask for, you stop and we will too.
I understand what you are saying, Captain. I just don’t see it as that big of a deal, but, I guess my bigger point is that were she a Republican, the MSM would be all over this, destroying her. Should things like that make a difference? Yeah, a bit. But, ideas come first, which, in our 24 hour mostly liberal dominated media, get lost.
I just one to add one thing on to that, Kevin: if she was a male Republican politician.
You know, Hart, when I was writing that short last part, I wondered if that would open me up to that
I think one of the notions she is pushing is that women in politics should not be treated like this, Trish, and she is correct. It is a shame how women, especially Conservative women, are treated. They wouldn’t do it to male politicians.
Oh, I understand your point Teach. Mine was, this wasn’t like she was 16 or 18 and in throws of self-discovery. To me she looked older than that when this happened. But now she is just 28, and after 5 years or so, we are to believe that we are supposed to ignore that behavior, that choice, that type of inner character? We are to believe that this is worth putting our trust in to run our government?
But, then, like I said, she is a Democrat. She would fit right in with their party. Party of slavery, womanizers, victimizers, victim-hood and power-hungry ego-maniacs.
I posted this comment over at The Daley Gator in response to this situation;
It’s really a sad commentary on the political process in this country when all a political opponent can come up with to fight the other candidate, is pictures of something stupid they did when they were “young and foolishâ€. Even though this woman is a liberal, I still feel some empathy towards her situation.
A person with integrity and high ethical standards wouldn’t stoop to such an amateurish and boorish attack on an opponent. Stay with the facts, and let the opponent’s voting record speak for them.
I know that this type of political behavior is what the progressive left does according to their Saul Alynsky manifesto, but do we Conservatives have to bring ourselves down to their level? It’s hard to separate yourself from the other side when you stoop to using the same political tactics they do.
“It’s really a sad commentary on the political process in this country when all a political opponent can come up with to fight the other candidate, is pictures of something stupid they did when they were “young and foolishâ€. Even though this woman is a liberal, I still feel some empathy towards her situation.”
Mike, this supposedly occurred 5-6 years ago. How is that when she was young and foolish? Is she then still young and foolish?
“A person with integrity and high ethical standards wouldn’t stoop to such an amateurish and boorish attack on an opponent”
A person with integrity and high ethical standards would not have done what she did. Can we not demand such standards from our politicians? It is things like this that has gotten us in to our current situation.
“do we Conservatives have to bring ourselves down to their level?”
How about asking them to come up to ours?!
I am in full agreement with all here- I think the way they treat women in politics-on both sides of the political spectrum-but particularly on the conservative side- is abhorrent! Where are those PC folks screaming RACIST now? Why arent’ they all screaming SEXIST…?
SEXIST!!! SEXIST!!@$#$@!!
Trish is being sexist for demanding that women in politics be treated differently than they are!!!!