I always get a kick out of these “let’s spend time with the cute and fuzzy bunnies*, er, polar bears” stories, because you know that one day they are going to end in tears, and the climaidiots will wonder why
In her spare hours, you’ll likely find Kathryn Ravey on stage, rehearsing for Eden Prairie High School theater productions, but this week, she faces a very different type of audience. Ravey, along with 17 other teenagers from the U.S., Canada and Australia, is currently in Churchill, Manitoba, surrounded by polar bears and lots and lots of ice.
Yo, folks, the polar bear is the Great White Shark of bears (well, really, more like the Bull Shark, which is the most dangerous, but, the Great White is a better visual, and bigger and badder): it is dangerous to anything that moves.
The week-long adventure is all part of a Teen Leadership Camp, sponsored by Polar Bears International. At the camp, the students spend the majority of the week living in “Tundra Buggy Lodge,†a caravan of 10-foot tall cars, much like a train that offers living quarters and work space that overlook the Polar Bears’ habitat. Ravey will be stationed in a section of Canada during a time of year where the polar bears congregate in anticipation of the ice freezing in Hudson Bay. In many ways it’s an experience that will be impossible to replicate in the years to come. Part of what Ravey is studying is the effects of global warming on the polar bear population.
Um, how much CO2 will said 10 foot tall cars put out? Nowhere on the website is a description of these vehicles being “green.” Furthermore, impossible to replicate? Just more alarmism and an ignorance of the facts. Neither the ice nor the polar bears are going anywhere.
Getting into the camp is no small feat. Ravey had to put together an essay, video and go through an interview process. The majority of the costs for each camper are covered by donations to Polar Bears International. Each participant must return with an action plan to educate the public on the effects of global warming. Ravey plans to focus on cutting down the use of plastic bags.
Her main advice to others is to reuse, recycle and “just to really be aware.â€
Yeah, plastic bags, that’ll do it! Same with just to really be aware. Of course, what is meant is that everyone else should change their behavior. Interestingly, when one goes camping, even in some sort of vehicle, what do you do with your food? That’s right, you put it in containers that keep the smell in, like tupperware and……plastic bags!
You just have to wonder what all these polar bear sight seeing trips will do to the bears. Will they become so used to seeing humans that they truly start seeing us as a new food source?
Meanwhile, to highlight how divorced from reality the alarmists are
MAN-MADE climate change was a major cause of devastating floods in Pakistan this year, shifting monsoon rains away from flood defences and into areas of the country incapable of dealing with the deluge, according to Pakistani scientists. (snip through some of the blah blah blah climate hysteria for the money quotes)
Industrial activity in Eastern Pakistan had increased surface temperatures, preventing water in the atmosphere falling as rain.
“Warming in eastern parts has moved the moisture west,” he said.
This is what is called the urban heat island effect. In other words, local heating is changing the local weather. We see this all around urban areas. It is not a global pattern, but a local one, much like the defoliation around Mount Kilimanjaro causes warm moist air to flow up the extinct volcano sides and cause melting. Not global. Local.
*Cute and fuzzy bunnies is a reference to the movie One Crazy Summer, and the bunnies were big meanies.

Teach are you now saying that man can cause the weather to change but if the weather changes the climate doesn’t ?
Teach the Punjab is a rural area and is the mist important agricultutal area in Pakistan. Also the urban i heat sland theory has some glaring inconsistencies. The primary one being: Studies in 2004 and 2006 attempted to test the urban heat island theory, by comparing temperature readings taken on calm nights with those taken on windy nights.[42][43] If the urban heat island theory is correct then instruments should have recorded a bigger temperature rise for calm nights than for windy ones, because wind blows excess heat away from cities and away from the measuring instruments. There was no difference between the calm and windy nights, and one study said that we show that, globally, temperatures over land have risen as much on windy nights as on calm nights, indicating that the observed overall warming is not a consequence of urban development. Because the urban heat, if there was any would simply be blown away
The tundra buggies are usually based on Int DT 466 chassis/engines like a school bus but with e4 wheel drive. They normally don;t have to travel very far to find the bears The bears are quite knowledgeable about where the ice will first form so that they can go seal hunting. The later the ice forms, the hungrier they get. As far as the ice not going anywhere, that isn’t what those wackis over at the US Navy think http://www.dodbuzz.com/2010/10/13/land-forces-will-fade-navy-rise/
They think that the Arctic Ocean will be ice free in the summer by 2020 and are worried about finding a new place for our subs to hide when the ice is gone
Those tundra buggies that you are talking about… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bear-buggy.jpg
They probably get 5 gallons to the mile. They have to operate in such a low-gear that the motor operates at high-rpm for low speed travel.
It is also a diesel engine. And think of all the extra oils and fuels that must be utilized to keep the vehicle moving in arctic temperatures.
Also, how much CO2 and fossil fuels were used to bring these mush-heads to this area?
Did these darlings get to see the polar bears feed? Did they get to see them attack a stray human, or a competitor bear cub? Did they get to watch it hunt for a baby seal?
Till then, they can’t have anything to say about polar bears!!!!
Wow, you really are determined to bring the Navy into the fray. Fine, but this guy is no expert on AGW, and doesn’t claim to be.
He says: “Climate change will only highlight the rising importance of the Navy as fishing patterns shift south and north. And the importance of the opening of the Arctic for longer and longer periods to shipping and fishing fleets “cannot be overstated,†Roughead said, saying it’s the biggest shift since the last Ice Age.”
Climate change, a natural progression, may indeed do some of that.
But it’s not what you attributed to him at all.