I think, perhaps, that Fox News went a little overboard with their headline “Obama: Republicans Will Have to Learn to Get Along With Me. He didn’t quite say that in the same Times article where he admitted there was no such thing as shovel ready jobs, yet, it caught my attention
President Obama reveals in a magazine article that he is weighing what to do if Republicans win the House majority next month, and has come up with a novel approach: Make the GOP work with him.
In a seeming twist on the post-1994 midterm calculation made by President Bill Clinton — when Republicans pummeled Democrats in the congressional election — Obama said he thinks Republicans will have to move in his direction no matter the outcome of the Nov. 2 vote.
“It may be that regardless of what happens after this election, they feel more responsible,” he is quoted saying in the Sunday edition of The New York Times Magazine, “either because they didn’t do as well as they anticipated, and so the strategy of just saying no to everything and sitting on the sidelines and throwing bombs didn’t work for them, or they did reasonably well, in which case the American people are going to be looking to them to offer serious proposals and work with me in a serious way.”
That’s funny, because I believe the reason there will be a wave of Republicans elected is because Americans want the GOP to block, stop, and roll back the Obama/Democrat agenda. They do not want the GOP to work with Obama, they want Obama to work with the Republicans to fix the issues, quite a few which were caused by and/or agravated.
After almost four years of Democrats controlling Congress and almost two years of the hopey changey White House, voters are looking for a change back to real American ideals, rather than the European socialist ideals pushed by the Democrat leaders. The Democrats over reached. They were like the kid who takes a handful of candy on Halloween, instead of just one piece. The American People want competence. They want ideas shown to have worked.

Agree. I hope the Repubs do not go in trying to court Obama after November. They need to undue the damage.
I tried sending an email to your email address, but I get a bounceback. Would love to get on your blogroll, and would certainly add you to mine. http://www.thebustednut.net
Morning, JakeG. Your comment got stuck in spam, not sure why, rescued. I’ve added you to my blogroll. As for the email have to take out the nospam.
Thank you! Thank you! And added you to mine!
[…] William Teach, Fleet Admiral of The Pirate’s Cove, comments: That’s funny, because I believe the reason there will be a wave of Republicans elected is […]
[…] Did you hear that Obama said the Republicans are going to have to work with him? Apparently, they didn’t get the memo. […]
The real reason the GOP will work with The Won is because otherwise he will call them RACIST!!!!
It’s not about the Republicans working with him finally, it’s about HIM wanting to actually listen to a Republican for once! Stop with the party of No lie. I believe they’ve been offering different options all through the last two years, and the Democrats have been the party of Deafness.
Oh, and over the last two years the PEOPLE have been speaking to their deaf ears too; the Dems have brought this all down on themselves.
[…] work with you. If by “working with you” you mean you working with us. Via William Teach, what I can only assume is a misstatement by President Obama. Or, failing that, some sort of […]