Breaking news from Fox
Senior U.S. officials are concerned over recent intelligence indicating that the Pakistani Taliban, which orchestrated the failed Times Square bombing, may have successfully placed another operative inside the United States to launch a second attack, sources tell Fox News. Authorities, however, know very little about the potential operative or any possible plot.
“[We] don’t know who it is and don’t know where it is,” one source said. “We know the guy’s here, but don’t know anything about him.”
Based on the intelligence, authorities believe the Pakistani Taliban, also known as Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, would have directed the individual to attempt another Times Square-style operation, but not necessarily in New York City.
A senior intelligence official said the threat stream’s lack of specificity makes it nearly impossible for the counterterrorism community to defend against such an attack. Any possible threat, however, does not seem to be imminent, with a senior counterterrorism official saying he was “unaware” of any “imminent threats” against the U.S. homeland.
Were I a loony tunes conspiracy minded leftist, I might wonder if this was simply designed to scare the People right before the mid-term elections. In other words, question the timing. In the real world, these Islamist wackjobs have their own time tables, and do want to kill Americans and, yes, cause terror. Interesting that they want to keep hitting such a liberal city.
But, OK, lefties, let’s play the PDB game. Here we have a warning. We don’t know who, what, or when. We know the sorta where, New York City. Big place. OK, now what? What do you do? If we go by your wacky August 6th PDB rhetoric, Obama should have every bit of knowledge to stop this attack.
(BTW, I won’t blame Obama if it does happen. This country’s openness, one of the things that makes us so great, makes us ripe to be easily attacked.)

My bet is that there will not be an attack. In any case teach IF there were an attack I am quite sure that it will not be anywhere near the scale of the attack that happened after Bush was warned. In any case I live in NYC and no one here seems to be very concerned about this new “threat” The purpose of terrorism is to terrify, by hyping these threats or even by hyping terrorist attacks people are enabling and in fact helping them achieve their goal. Teach in just how much danger do you see yourself as a victim of a terror attack ? Teach about 1500 people in the USA win a million dollars or more in a lottery. please compare this number of people with the number who are killed by terrorists in the USA each year. Is an American more likely to be killed by terrorists or win a million dollars in the lottery ?
The PDN still has not been released so we still do not know exactly what was in it.Defendant Condoleezza Rice, acknowledged that on August 6, 2001, (one month prior to the ‘911’ attacks), she provided a written brief to Defendant GWB at his Texas ranch which warned ‘OBL’ might try to hijack U.S. aircraft.”
Bush did nothing to try and beef up security after Condi wrote that memo
Bush did a piss poor job of protecting the USA he was at that time more focused on Iraq than al Qaeda
Bush was warned.
Bush was never “warned,” Ryan. This is another fantasy of the left.
The PDN still has not been released
Actually, it has been released and is part of the 9/11 Commission’s Final Report and documentation.
Once again, one must wonder why you feel the need to lie.
‘OBL’ might try to hijack U.S. aircraft.â€
Another lie. The PDB says that “Bin Laden Determined to Attack US.”
No mention of methods is given. One line item does state the possibility of a hijacking, but that was to secure the release of an Egyptian terrorist, not to fly the plane into a building.
‘OBL’ might try to hijack U.S. aircraft.â€
That’s your “warning?” The 9/11 Commission found that the PDB never contained a “warning” as you assert.
Of course, we would have known more about Bin Laden’s plan except for Clinton’s removing human intel sources from the Middle East and Jamie Gprelick’s “intelligence wall.”
The 9/11 Commission’s Report states:
Late in the month, a foreign service reported that Abu Zubaydah was considering mounting terrorist attacks in the United States, after postponing possible operations in Europe. No targets, timing, or method of attack were provided.
We have found no indication of any further discussion before September 11 among the President and his top advisers of the possibility of a threat of an al Qaeda attack in the United States. DCI Tenet visited President Bush in Crawford, Texas, on August 17 and participated in PDB briefings of the President between August 31 (after the President had returned to Washington) and September 10. But Tenet does not recall any discussions with the President of the domestic threat during this period.
Most of the intelligence community recognized in the summer of 2001 that the number and severity of threat reports were unprecedented. Many officials told us that they knew something terrible was planned, and they were desperate to stop it. Despite their large number, the threats received contained few specifics regarding time, place, method, or target. Most suggested that attacks were planned against targets overseas; others indicated threats against unspecified “U.S. interests.” We cannot say for certain whether these reports, as dramatic as they were, related to the 9/11 attacks.
(emphasis mine.)
So Ryan, no that you have been exposed again, are you willing to apologize for trying to mislead people? Are you man enough to say that you were wrong?
We all know the answer to that, which says a great deal about you and your morals.
Seriously, John, do some research before making comments like that. I hate seeing you torn apart so badly.
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Do you Teach? Do you really?
My concern is why all the concern? We will soon make peace with them in Afghanistan. We will make concessions and changes in our policies toward Islam, and they will love us. All will be daisies and unicorns.