Despite the decade long narrative from the Democrats about the Republican Party being extremist, the yammering on about “neocons” and “religious fundamentalists” (BTW, Obama himself would be considered a fundie, since he is a born again Christian), a narrative the Compliant Media were happy to run with, something went wrong (make sure to read the whole article, way too much to excerpt)
Likely voters in battleground districts see extremists as having a more dominant influence over the Democratic Party than the GOP.
This result comes from The Hill 2010 Midterm Election Poll, which found that 44 percent of likely voters say the Democratic Party is more dominated by its extreme elements; whereas 37 percent say it’s the Republican Party that is more dominated by extremists.
The revelations in a survey of 10 toss-up congressional districts across the country point to problems for Democrats, who are trying to motivate a disillusioned base and appeal to independents moving to the GOP ahead of the Nov. 2 election.
Among Independents, it is a 43/37 split. And even 22% of Democrats survey think the Democrat Party is too extremist, versus 11% of Republicans who think the GOP is too far to the right.
The United States is a center-right nation. The People like their taxes low, their military strong, their government out of their lives. The want law and order, they want their government to listen and be responsive. They also like their social programs. Bush, for all his faults, was really about the perfect American president. Strong on international affairs, kept taxes low, but was big on the social programs.
The story points out that despite the constant drum beat about the TEA Party and other conservatives, painting them as extremists, it is the Democrats who are more dominated by their fringe elements, their folks who want to massively increase government, increase their hold on our private lives, and want to raise taxes, among others. The principles of the Republican Party are more like the principles of the American People. They just have to remember to not forget those principles, as they did under Bush. I doubt the TEA Party will go away after the 2010 mid terms, and will hold the Congress Critters feet to the fire.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

[…] Which Party Is More Extremist? » Pirate's Cove […]
[…] Teach of Pirate’s Cove, however, thinks the poll result has more to do with longstanding, shared American values: The United States is a center-right nation. The People like their taxes low, their military […]
[…] this is pretty sweet, my post on “Which Party Is More Extremist?” rated a mention, and a pretty good one, in the Times’ Opinionator section. Now, how […]
“Bush, for all his faults, was really about the perfect American president. Strong on international affairs, kept taxes low, but was big on the social programs.”
Yes. The perfect American President does nothing but drive up the deficit with borrowed money from China so that he doesn’t have to make any difficult choices, excepting of course the one to invade a nation under completely false pretenses after a terrorist attack on American soil that the nation had absolutely nothing to do with.
Flawless indeed.
What Americans are rejecting about Obama is that he refuses to tell them what they want to hear – that he can cut taxes, generate jobs, and maintain spending on everything they want, all at the same time. There is nothing new happening here. They voted for him in the first place because the real consequences of politicians telling them what they wanted to hear intruded for a while. They got scared. For a while. I’ll never forget an interview with one voter who said that he didn’t want to vote for Obama but felt that THIS TIME “he couldn’t be stupid.†His exact words. But now they are falling right back in their usual stride. They can be stupid again.