This certainly doesn’t help as we enter the 4th quarter in the big mid-terms game
The Obama excitement that pervaded college campuses two years ago has faded.
An Associated Press-mtvU poll found college students cooling in their support for President Barack Obama, a fresh sign of trouble for Democrats struggling to rekindle enthusiasm among the newest voters for the crucial midterm elections in three weeks.
Forty-four percent of students approve of the job Obama is doing as president, while 27 percent are unhappy, according to the survey conducted late last month. That’s a significant drop from the 60 percent who gave the president high marks in a May 2009 poll. Only 15 percent had a negative opinion back then.
Obama’s weaker performance on campus also underscores his party’s struggles to turn the 15 million first-time voters of 2008 – nearly one in eight of that year’s total – into a solid political army. Exit polls from 2008 show 55 percent of new voters were ages 18 to 24, and those young first-timers strongly backed Obama and Democratic House candidates – a potent bloc if Democrats could lure them back to the voting booth.
Students wanted their hopey changey free money and stuff. As time goes on, they are certainly realizing that, under Obama, their chances of getting a decent paying job out of college are diminishing, that their health costs are going to up, their taxes will go up, and, for the hardcore campus leftists, Obama is too incompetent to push forth the social justice he promised them. The cold dead mackerel of reality is smacking them in the face. And they were not particularly happy with Obama during his MTV event Thursday
The town hall was expected to be an anything-goes affair – a perception stoked by reports organizers had solicited “lighter questions†like the what-underwear-do-you-wear asked of Bill Clinton in the 1990s.
But the under-30 participants were almost defiantly grave, with tough questions flung at the president on issues ranging from race, genocide in Sudan, immigration, domestic violence, youth unemployment and his decision to appeal a court decision invalidating the military’s policy on gays.
How did Obama respond?
“The difference between my position and Harry Truman’s was [that] Congress explicitly passed a law that took away [my] policy power,†said a clearly agitated Obama, moments after Justice Department lawyers announced they would try to delay implementation of a court decision declaring the policy unconstitutional.
How dare a mere student question The One on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell!
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

He is getting snippy at everyone these days.
[…] The question about communism isn’t the only thing that made Obama get snippy. […]
He is an unhappy camper, because people are daring to question him, something that never happened to him before. It should be fun as even more people question him till he is finally gone on Jan 20, 2013.