It would really be great if all the Democrats looked to Obama for an endorsement, have him stump for them, maybe do a radio ad. It’ll make the Republicans win even more seats
On a list of six prominent Democratic and Republican politicians, voters rank President Obama as the one who carries the most weight – positively and negatively – when it comes to an endorsement.
According to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, 29% of Likely Voters say an endorsement from the president is the one most likely to make them vote for a candidate.
But even more (45%) say Obama is the politician who makes them least likely to vote for a candidate he endorses. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Perhaps that could explain why so many Democrats run away and hide, hugging their bankie and teddie bear for protection, hanging garlic over the windows and doors, digging moats, whenever Obama comes to town. Heck, when he comes to their state.
Meanwhile, the bad news just keeps coming in for Democrats, or, perhaps this is good news for America
Forty-eight percent (48%) of respondents say they would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate, while 39% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.
Even more worrisome for Democrats, however, is the finding that among the voters who are most closely following the midterm elections Republicans hold a 55% to 36% lead.
With two weeks to go until Election Day, voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on eight out of 10 important issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports including the economy and health care.
That’s down a bit from August, where it was 10 of 10, yet, those two where Dems hold a lead are in education (a 2 point lead) and government ethics (5 point lead). On the economy, the #1 issue, Republicans hold a 10 point lead. And on healthcare, the GOP has a 7 point lead. Maybe that’s why Obama is trying a little demagoguery. Personally, I blame global climate disruption.
More: Sister Toldjah has a similar poll from Gallup.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than having Obama go radioactive. And, the left have to go right of center to catch up…
Won’t happen, but one can dream.
Obama is going to be in his own little world after the election, blamestorming everyone but himself.
Does that mean that last election, they voted for a Republican candidate and then this election cycle they are voting democrat???
Does that make any sense!!?!?