Be frightened, very frightened, those evil men in the background are meeting. Mwahahahahahahahhahahahahaha!
A secretive network of Republican donors is heading to the Palm Springs area for a long weekend in January, but it will not be to relax after a hard-fought election — it will be to plan for the next one.
Obviously, not so secret if the Times knows about it.
Koch Industries, the longtime underwriter of libertarian causes from the Cato Institute in Washington to the ballot initiative that would suspend California’s landmark law capping greenhouse gases, is planning a confidential meeting at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa to, as an invitation says, “develop strategies to counter the most severe threats facing our free society and outline a vision of how we can foster a renewal of American free enterprise and prosperity.â€
Oh, no, how mean, how evil, they are trying to……wait, renew American free enterprise and prosperity? Well, I guess from a Progressive/liberal/socialist/surrender monkey POV, that can be a scary story, told around the campfire with a pink flashlight (LED bulb only! Climate change, you know) by idiots in Che t-shirts.
Of course, much of the article is about those scary Koch brothers, who have become some sort of boogeymen to the Progressives
The Koch network meets twice a year to plan and expand its efforts — as the letter says, “to review strategies for combating the multitude of public policies that threaten to destroy America as we know it.â€
Again, I can understand why attempting to keep long held America beliefs can be scary to Progressives, who want to fundamentally change America into…..Greece.
The goals for the twice-yearly meetings, the brochure says, include attracting more investors to the cause, but also building institutions “to identify, educate and mobilize citizens†and “fashioning the message and building the education channels to re-establish widespread belief in the benefits of a free and prosperous society.â€
I’m surprised the article writer, Kate Zernike, was able to get through writing that paragraph. Like most liberals, she probably wanted to dive under the covers like a child who notices the closet door is open just a little bit, and “is it slowly opening?” MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

“The goals for the twice-yearly meetings, the brochure says, include attracting more investors to the cause, but also building institutions “to identify, educate and mobilize citizens†and “fashioning the message and building the education channels to re-establish widespread belief in the benefits of a free and prosperous society.—
I am glad they are looking out for us.
And what about the Liberal “think tanks” (sarc) that have been doing this type of clandestine meeting for YEARS??? Hmm??? Is it any less scary that they and their wealthy backers (can anyone pronounce SOROS?) gather to plan on how to make liberal policies, indoctrinate children, and actually plot to STEAL elections (can anyone say Franken) for a long long time now?
I say it’s about time the GOP and anyone willing to help us to win back our country deserves applause.
No, no, Trish, they are scaaaaaaaaary :)
True That Trish!! (I think I love you!) ;)
Koch Industries is a petroleum\gaseous company that I know of down in the southern states. They want to make money like any company. They know what is the best environment for that plan to succeed. If they are willing to spend their own money, bring in outside supporters who are willing to give their time and money to help America come back to its roots of prosperity and freedom, then.. yes.. that has to be defeated by the Socialist Left.
Money! Evil! Give to others. Like Democrat politicians. Bad boys! No biscuit!
Hahahah, I am with Captainfish, the Koch brothers have every right to do this, just as liberals have been doing for years. They got a sort of fair shake in the New Yorker magazine, though some of the language was condescending regarding the Tea Party. And no I don’t buy New Yorker myself, but while in NY at my brother-in-laws, I saw them as the cover story and read it.
Why is that Teach, that money in the hands of Republicans is always evil, and money in the hands of leftists is always good??? And we know, that the demorats do NOT always do good things with money. Especially OUR money!
I know, it’s the double standard thing again. But it is getting SO old…
In Liberal World, Democrats always have good intentions, so, money given to them is good, regardless of what the outcomes are. With Republicans, it’s generally because we have cooties and look at outcomes.
I don’t entirely agree that the ALWAYS have good intentions, but agree that this is the reason it’s accepted…
Yet I still hate double standards, and it’s all we get all day long anymore.
Another reason why Outcome-based Education was thrown away. In favor of training kids to take tests.
And, the Socialists in Congress know that the Repubs will cave, as they have time and time again, when called naughty names.
Just like now. Can’t believe Boehner and McConnell are trying to suck up to Obama. Now of all times? We have the Socialists on the run and the Repub leaders still want to play kissy-toes with them.