Some of you might have gotten this humorous email in the inbox
William, I’ve had it up to here
Must be a big f***ing deal, Joe!
Remember when the GOP was in control?
They drove up record deficits to pass tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
Obviously, Joe missed the fact that the highest deficit occurred with a Democrat Congress, and the second highest with a Dem Congress and President. Oh, and the $3 trillion in debt the Dems ran up in less than two years.
And now they want to do it again. If they take over Congress, Republicans have promised to go back to the “exact same agenda” that drove our economy into a ditch.
Funny how the recession started in December 2007, when Democrats controlled the Congress. Weird. But, hey, Joe wants $3.
But Barack and I don’t believe economic growth in America has to come at the expense of the middle class.
“But Barack and I don’t believe economic growth in America has to come.” Fixed that for ya, Joe
In fact, we believe we’re only making progress when hard-working families are doing better — and, with your help, we’re getting there.
Well, there’s two that are deluded enough to believe that. Polls say otherwise, as do the number of endangered Democrat Congressional seats.
Thanks to health insurance reform, no one will have to choose between keeping their home and getting the care they need.
Yet, virtually no Democrat is running on health reform, Joe. Strange, that. But, please make a $3 donation.
Well, it is the season for Zombie Biden.

What teach, you can’t afford $3 to save an Endangered Democrat? Shame on you. Don’t you love Earth?
How many times have you seen Democrats caught, struggling in the nets of their own making? Your heart has to bleed for their pitiful looks. You have to do something. Even if that means destroying those economy-crushing deficit-riddled safety-nets.
“Thanks to health insurance reform, no one will have to choose between keeping their home and getting the care they need.”
So? Screw those people renting their domiciles? What about those who don’t have a home? OH! I know, get them in to a home, and then say we can’t take it away from them when they can’t afford to make the payments.
Don’t make me send Zombie Joe after you!
Eh, second photoshop sucks. Head’s too big.
EEEEK!!!! Are you saying that Zombie Joe has a big head??
DUH!!!! It ain’t filled with anything, but its HUGE!!!!
He has to have a big head to get his big feet in there