Poor baby. If only he had been able to spend more time talking about how great his mostly outsourced legislation, people would love it. Sniffle
President Barack Obama told a friendly backyard gathering on Thursday that he was so focused on getting the policy right on helping the economy recover that he didn’t devote enough energy to advertising the benefits.
Asked about the negative perception many Americans have about signature legislation of his first two years in office, Obama said opponents of reform fought hard against it and he could have done more to sell it.
Right. Because we weren’t treated to daily discourse from Obama, Democrats, and their minions, including the media. As I write this, Andy Griffin is on my TV yet again telling me how great the ObamaCare legislation is.
With provisions of the reform bill starting to take effect, people now can see the benefits for themselves and therefore understand it better, he said.
And that’s why we don’t like it.
Obama said the stimulus bill, officially titled the Recovery Act, comprises provisions that people like — such as tax cuts, infrastructure development and clean energy investments.
Yeah, those “tax cuts” which most people didn’t know about because they were a simple change to the withholding, and did…..nothing to help the economy. Jobs that weren’t shovel ready, ended up being temporary, didn’t help white collar workers, and didn’t help the economy. And those clean energy investments which are a failure and …… didn’t put people back to work.
“I think that one of the challenges we had two years ago was we had to move so fast, we were in such emergency mode, that it was very difficult for us to spend a lot of time doing victory laps and advertising exactly what we were doing, because we had to move on to the next thing,” Obama said. “And I take some responsibility for that.”
Perhaps you should have slowed down to think about what you were doing, Barry, then you might have gotten the legislation right, instead of slapping on hard left legislative ideas that have failed again and again. It is rather scary to think about people who have a vastly far left view, quite a few with no real world executive or even work experience, people who have been in academia or government for most or all of their lives, in “emergency mode,” without a clue what they are really doing in the Real World.
The attitude was to get the policy right, “and we did not always think about making sure we were advertising properly what was going on,” Obama continued.
So, he failed on both accounts, at least in terms of what was best for America. That could be the reason that 64% believe America is headed down the wrong track, why Obama’s disapproval rating hasn’t dipped below 50% for over a year, “47% of consumers say their personal finances are getting worse,” and Democrats are looking to get blown out in House and gubernatorial races very soon.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. Re-Change 2010!

Gee Teach even though Obama’s poll ratings are TWICE as high as that last clown left with, you seem to think that they should be better. When Bush had ratings below freezing you claimed that it was because he was a courageous leader who didn’t listen to polls. Bush didn’t have approval ratings as high as Obama does NOW for all through 2005 2006 2007 2008http://www.hist.umn.edu/~ruggles/Approval.htm
So let’s see Ryan…..
You and your ilk screams “Bush lied!” when he didn’t and you think that had nothing to do with his approval rating. Furthermore, a good portion of the time you cite was when the Congress was under Democratic control, but that has nothing to do with it either.
On the other hand, Obama lies, the Congress is at its lowest approval rating that anyone can imagine, and you still blame Bush.
We on the Right wish that you on the Left would show some sense of maturity, but that is simply a dream that you will never participate in.
Teach, you can say all you want that Obama has failed, but according to Obama, he has won. His policies and bills have done exactly what he wanted them to do.
They have admitted as much. Why wouldn’t they? They know better than us and are doing this “destruction” for our benefit.
Bush Bush Bush Bush. Is that all you have, John? But, hey, I’ll answer: Conservatives gave Bush low marks, too, rather than simply being good little drones. We did not like his massive spending and illegal immigration policies, among others. Heck, a good chunk of his domestic policies stunk. He was not a conservative.