More unelected bureaucrats making rules that will damage the economy at the alter of climate alarmism
Future tractor-trailers, school buses, delivery vans, garbage trucks and heavy-duty pickup trucks must do better at the pump under first-ever fuel efficiency rules coming from the Obama administration.
The Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Department are moving ahead with a proposal for medium- and heavy-duty trucks, beginning with those sold in the 2014 model year and into the 2018 model year.
The plan is expected to seek about a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption from longhaul trucks, according to people familiar with the plan. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they did not want to speak publicly before the official announcement, expected Monday.
What this means is higher costs for the vehicles, which will not be offset by the lower fuel costs. But, they don’t plan on stopping there
The White House has pushed for tougher fuel economy standards across the nation’s fleet as a way to reduce dependence on oil and cut greenhouse gas emissions tied to global warming.
The fleet of new cars, pickup trucks and SUVs will need to reach 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016, and the government is developing plans for future vehicle models that could push the standards to 47 mpg to 62 mpg by 2025.
That’s a hell of a jump. Does the government plan on developing vehicles themselves?
Margo Oge, director of the EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, told reporters last week the proposed rules would be a “win-win situation for the country, the economy, climate change and energy security.” She declined to release details.
Right. A win-win. Sure.

so fuel economy will HURT the trucking industry? Teach please IMMEDIATELY email your analysis to the American Tucking Association because THOSe wachos think that increasing the fuel economy standards is a GOOD thing
Truck manufactures are also happy with the new fuel efficiency requirements.
I finally figured out why your comments are lacking in logic. If this is the kind of news that you find comforting, then you definitely have an issue. If everyone is so happy about improving fuel efficiency, then why didn’t the truckers association promote this on their own? Why did they need O to tell them (the association) to do it? If manufactures are so happy about the prospect, why didn’t they do this before? It seems that if you could develop a truck that had a 20% improvement in fuel, then manufactures would have been all over that, even if the price per unit was nominally higher. I think that truckers can figure out that in the long run they would make more money with a more efficient truck, so why didn’t they push for such an animal? Do truckers have to wait for the government to tell them everything to do?
It is like liberals everywhere that can look at failed socialist policies of the past and logically concluded that because it is us trying them this time, they will succeed. Because it is Obama telling the Auto/Truck manufacturers to make a vehicle 20% more efficient, it will just come to pass. I would love to see the Truckers just say, sorry, can’t do it and we aren’t going to try, we will just sell parts for a few years until you really need trucks again.
First they made the Oil companies and refineries change their formulas, to better the environment. It costs money, but they did it and have complied with all sorts of subsequent regulations. This caused/causes a hike in the cost to the end user, as one would expect. It caused a hike in the cost of goods thanks to higher transportation costs. There’s a direct connection here.
NOW, they plan to attack the truckers directly, who will inevitably have to pay a fortune in order to run their business, essentially ending the industry as we know it. And, expect higher costs for that head of lettuce from CA, or those apples from Wahington State.
Progressives really do have a plan for America. It is to destroy it, and have one gigantic third world country to live in.
I for one, am not going to sit back and take it. VOTE REPUBLICAN next Tuesday folks, and get all your friends and family to do so too! Then keep the new lawmakers feet to the fire- we must not become compplaent again, or we will lose our freedoms.
OMG.. Repubs, quick, fumigate the EPA. Use DEET. Use PCBs!!!! Get that vermin out of our lives!!
Think about this, they have already almost eliminated the V8 engine. Look around the dealers now. Only very few vehicles have the V8s and those are the high priced ones.
Start demanding trucks and large SUV’s get 40mpg… and your looking at the end of SUVs. You are looking at either an L4 in a very stripped and gutted SUV, or no SUV any longer. (to me, an SUV is an expedition or Jeep. These “crossovers” are not SUVs)
We need to eliminate the CAFE standard and allow people to buy what they want, and tell the industry what they want to buy.
Eliminate all but 3 gasoline fuel blends. (I’ll give them that one) The rest only cause increase in prices. Get rid of ethanol. Save the corn for starving children and allow corn and bean prices to fall back down.
I believe, the amount of subsidies this govt has given for ethanol production could have fed a third-world country for decades in the food used\wasted.