Hey, remember what one of the main points about Free Speech and asking for redress of grievance were to the Framers? That’s right, that government couldn’t retaliate. Of course, to Democrats, the Constitution is a living document, and screw the intentions of the Framers who spilled blood to free this country
North Carolina Democrats are trying to counter a political donation blitz by the family business of a conservative activist by hitting his wallet.
The state Democratic Party announced Wednesday it wants voters to boycott dozens of Roses, Maxway and other discount stores in North Carolina operated by Art Pope’s family business, Variety Wholesalers. A Variety Wholesalers subsidiary has given at least $390,000 to two political groups targeting Democratic incumbents in legislative districts.
Hey, I wonder who this hurts? That’s right, the people who work at these stores. Sure, the owner, Art Pope, gives quite a bit to Republicans, which, in Liberal World, is baaaaaaaaaad. Instead of you know, actually countering the ads, showing that they are false, Democrats pull this stunt, because, apparently, according to Andrew Wheelen, Dem party executive, “Pope is a right-wing extremist who is seeking a corporate takeover of state government.” Uh huh. So, I guess Dems can’t actually refute the ads, so, they go with smears and ruffian intimidation tactics.
Mostly, Pope is aiming at the NC State legislature, rather than the federal positions. And Dems are not happy campers about the potential losses, just like at the federal level.

NC Repubs can’t take the heat Squeal loudly because of boycott If it wasn’t effective it wouldn’t be hurting
Ryan, with very little respect, you are an idiot.
Here you have a business that is most likely serving people of limited or moderate means. Those are the very people that Democrats say they are looking out for. So what do the Dems do? They call for a boycott of the places that best serve their constituents.
This incident shows that the Democrats not only don’t care about the poor and those of moderate means, but that they can’t counter the intellectual arguments of the right other than to call for a boycott.
Yessir, those tricky Democrats can’t stand free speech. They can’t stand people donating to causes they Dems disagree with.
Of course, they want Unions to donate even if their members disagree with the causes that the Union supports, but hey, what is one more hypocrisy in the world of the left?
In the past few days you have supported violence, have shown ignorance of basic math, shown that you cannot read your own citations, and are against legal, free expression.
Simply pathetic.
Democrats care more about power than standing for what they say they do. The little guy? Screw them if they are in the way.
Actually this is a good thing…a Kommiecrat boycott usually means more business. Think of it as avertizing.