They seem about as clueless over what happened on Tuesday as Obama
Even before it’s certain that Renee Ellmers will go to Washington as the new congresswoman from North Carolina’s 2nd District, she is showing a vigorous streak of independence from her party’s establishment.
Ellmers, whom the tea party backs, and Carter Wrenn, a political consultant to her campaign, are sniping at the National Republican Congressional Committee for not supporting her campaign and for refusing to lend aid for a looming vote recount. Ellmers, a Dunn Republican, is leading in votes unofficially, but not enough to prevent a recount.
From what Renee says, she has to hire 11 lawyers, and it will cost $50,000 just to get going with the recount, not too mention the cost for the recount itself. Furthermore, Bob “Boom Boom” Etheridge won’t have those costs, since he is a sitting US Congress Critter (if anyone can find different info, let me know.) Renee goes on to say
Yesterday, we appealed to the National Republican Congressional Committee for support, asking if they could contribute to help pay the costs of this recount. Their answer, unfortunately, was, No – that we would have to raise the money to pay for the recount ourselves.
You known that the Democrats and Etheridge will play games, with ballots miraculously appearing. It is time that the grand poobahs in the NRCC get off their butts and help out. Is it not their main job to get as many Republicans elected to Congress as possible? Or, are they just whiny little beatches upset about this political neophyte who was supported by the People, much like the NRSC did with Angle, Miller, and O’Donnell?
How can you help? Donate to Renee (note: she is in NC2, I’m in NC13), click on link above for her website. Call the NRCC at 202-479-7000. Email them at Start slamming their Twitter account, @NRCC.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. sit back and Relax. we’ll dRive!

This is truly bizarre.
First, this should be the death of the RNCC. If you aren’t supporting Republican Congressional Candidates, then what are you there for? It appears from the link you gave that the Ellmers’ campaign and the RNCC had a tiff during the campaign, but this goes beyond that.
Secondly, I am not sure what Ellmers means by “the cost of the recount.” NC Statutes do not require either candidate to pay for anything. The recount kicks in automatically when the difference in votes is 1% or less of the ballots cast.
(Chapter 163 deals with elections in general.)
I suspect that Ellmers needs people to watch the initial recount sampling and then the “hand to eye” count to make sure there are no shenanigans pulled on the recount. Why that requires a lawyer is beyond me.
The law says that the actual re-count is “open to the public,” so I would think her campaign people could watch the counts.
No matter what, the RNCC should be taken to task and taken to task hard for this. This is not the only time when they substituted their “judgment” of who to support over the actual voters in Republican primaries.
It appears to me that the RNCC is the same as the rest of the Washington elite. They seem to believe that the voters are too stupid to know what they want and how to vote.
Screw ’em.
I’ve heard similar reports of the NRSC. It would seem that they only provide legal support for incumbents. However, Teach is right. Both organizations should be solely dedicated to getting Repubs in to office from start to finish.
Am sure the national Dem committees are very supportive.