Happy Sunday! It’s a gorgeous, and chilly, day in the neighborhood, so, here’s a little reminder what we have to look forward to. In about 6-8 months, plus, an awesome old school support the Marines pinup. The first pinup is by Gil Elvgren,with a wee bit of help. Second, not a clue. Make sure to scroll to the bottom for Project Valour IT Marines!
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- Way to go, Chump! You’ve now embarrassed the USA yet again on the world stage. Israel Matzav has the story
- American Power features Rachel “Who Dat?” Maddow blowing a gasket
- Say, would we be better off under President Hillary? Outside The Beltway discusses
- TOTUS will make his appearance in India, and Indians are all like “WTF?” Jammie Wearing Fool has the story
- Verum Serum discusses Paul Krugman’s intellectual cowardice
- This ain’t Hell… finds some typical Liberal race baiting and scare-mongering
- Theodore’s World shows how much Indians love Obama
- Legal Insurrection finds yet another Stimulus screwup
- UK Muslims are upset about having to pay interest. Think the UK will roll over? Head to Jihad Watch for the story
- Obama is apologizing for extremist Islam. Gateway Pundit has the 411
- Flopping Aces has the Sunday Funnies
- Doug Ross points out that the GOP big wigs could have cost 5 Senate seats
- Don Surber points to health care you didn’t want
- Your non-political link: Basil discusses the deal with buying an iPad
- And last, but not least, Bigfoot (And Rightly So!) says he’s a Denier
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out
- Rule 5 Sunday at The Other McCain. Also, how about some Live At 5
- Weekend Link Love: Grandmaster Flash Edition at All American Blogger
- Bully a Country Into Bankruptcy Featuring Kelly Hu. Also, Right Wing Links.
- Camp Of Saints has Rule 5 Saturday featuring PJ Lansing. Also, some Racing eye candy
- The Daley Gator has the Daily Benefactor News.
- No Sheeples Here has Somethin’ 4 Mutton: Crow Flavored Slurpee Edition, with an awesome graphic (as we all expect).
- Full Metal Jacket Reach Around: The Fine Dining Edition at And So It Goes In Shreveport
- American Power has Rule 5 with Courtney Rachel Culkin! And, Casting The Victoria’s Secret Show
- Theo Spark says Saturday is bath night. Also, The Sunday Best. Plus, some Sunday Totty
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Morning Links. And Sunday Morning Links
- Proof Positive has Saturday Linkaround. And a Friday night babe! And Vintage Babe of the Week
- Eye Of Polyphemus has Full Metal Jacket Reach Around 71. (last weeks) Plus Rachel Weisz. And Blogroll Spotlight 64 (last weeks).
- Say Anything has a One Nation linkaround
- Nice Deb has the Friday Free For All
- Maggie’s Notebook has Saturday Rule 5 on Friday: Good Witch Bad Witch Roundup
- The Busted Nut says “because it’s my blog, and I canâ€
- The Real United States offers some Rule 5.
- The Troglopundit is still hung up on Danica Patrick. Sigh
- POWIP has a Saturday Morning Roundup (picture is NSFW)
- Director Blue has a great link roundup
- Mind Numbed Robot has Rule 5 Saturday: Jana Defi
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. (BTW, since someone asked, the reason I leave links for the previous week up is because they are place holders for later in the day or for next weeks. Easier than rewriting all the time)

[…] Well, you really should, William Teach does some fine work over there! GO! READ! LEARN! […]
Ah, to be a fan of your Sunday pinup!
(Extra points to anyone else who noticed there was a fan in the picture!)
There’s a fan?
[…] by Michelle Malkin, and Pirate’s Cove, […]
Thanks for the link!
And your pin-up definitely has an oscillating fan in this robot.
No points for you!
Thanks for the link! Much appreciated.
Thanks once again Admiral for the double-shot of ye olde linkee love.
As for The Troglopundit: Double Sigh.
The pleasure’s all mine, Bob and Pat and mnrobot.
[…] h/t super sweet photo ripped from Teach! […]