The answer would be: beyond dismal. This bit of fanciful fluff, which attempts to paint Valerie Wilson as just a normal mom before 9am, to some sort of international spy flying around the world putting out fires, being involved in firefights, like James Bond, during the day, opened Friday, November 5th, and, pulled in a whopping……….$651,082. For a movie that stars Naomi Watts and Sean Penn, and had such hype, it managed to end up in a total of 46 theaters, meaning movie theaters realized that this wacko liberal fantasy movies are wastes of money. I’ve seen the idiotic preview several times over the past few months when I went to the movies, yet, not one theater in the Raleigh area has it. Shocker!
And yes, it did cost $22 million to make and opened at #15. Meanwhile, Jackass 3-D still made almost $5 million over the weekend, after being out for three weeks.
What brought on this post? Well, I was looking at my Flixster app, and noticed that Fair Game was all the way down in “Also In Theaters” section, despite its release last week. Also, the two bullsh*tters have peeped their heads up with the press George Bush has been getting over the release (today) of Decision Points
Former U.S. Ambassador Joe Wilson blasted recent comments President George W. Bush made to NBC’s Matt Lauer regarding the CIA leak case.
“The President, by the way, is wrong in saying he let the jury’s verdict stand. He did not,” the husband of outed agent Valerie Plame told The Last Word.
Yeah, the “outed” office sitter who was featured on Wilson’s own Who’s Who In America page.
Wilson still begs to differ. “Scooter Libby did not serve a day in jail. And by commuting his sentence, he removed from Scott Fitzgerald any remaining pressure that Fitzgerald had on Libby.” Wilson continued, “The obstruction of justice prevented Pat Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor, from finding out the underlying truth in the betrayal of Valerie’s identity.”
Fitzgerald knew who the leaker was within a few months of the start of his investigation: Richard Armitage. And did nothing. No point in rehashing the whole thing, suffice to say that the Wilson’s 15 minutes of fame are over, Fair Game should disappear from all theaters within a week, and sit collecting dust on the movie store shelves, as even liberals aren’t interested.
They even whined about Dick Cheney not apologizing to them. Not sure what he had to apologize about, but, whittle wiberals always need some sort of validation of their feewings, the poor babies.
BTW, how’s Decision Points doing? #1 on Amazon, baby! It is released today, of course. Can’t wait till the NY Times list comes out, with the book at #1. There’ll be lot’s of drinking at the Fish Wrap building.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. sit back and Relax. we’ll dRive!

Sean Penn loses all artistic sense when there’s some ideological point to be made. That’s why he would risk his reputation making this piece of drivel & dreck about Undercover CIA File Clerk Valerie Plame.
The problem with “outing” a person that was covert isn’t that you endanger them, it is that you endanger all of the foreign nationals that they worked with when they were covert.
So complain at…..Joe Wilson, who had her name on his Who’s Who page.
I can’t believe we are wasting our time and breath on this non-story that was the darling of the left for so long. It is a lie, she was not outed in ANY sense of the word as John would like us to think. She was never in danger and what she knew was never a risk for our security. She AND her husband bragged about her CIA status, before this supposed crap took place.
Get over it and let’s not forget that the only people who would attend this kind of movie, are so full of hatred for Bush and haven’t got the brains to understand truth if it hit them in the face.
Hey John, while you are so intent on protecting our great country, how about going after the ACLU and the band of criminal lawyers who are protecting the rights of terrorists to the point of giving out valuable info that should never be leaked??? Hmmm???
Can you be fair and balanced…