Somehow, this Washington Post article, meant for publication on Sunday the 14th, is available on-line, and it is a hoot! How to stop global warming – even if you don’t believe in it
In the global-warming debate, scientists are, admirably, still trying to save the day. Last week, the American Geophysical Union announced plans to mobilize about 700 climate scientists in an effort to improve the accuracy of media coverage and public understanding of their field. Separately, a smaller group of scientists organized by John Abraham of the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota said it was putting together a “rapid response team” to bring accurate climate science to public debates.
On the face of it, such efforts certainly make sense. The scientists hope, not unreasonably, to bring more attention to the climate-change crisis. More crucially, they seek to halt the slide in public opinion on the issue, with recent polls finding Americans’ belief in the evidence for global warming on the decline, along with their view of the need for immediate action to slow climate change. And it’s true that science education, when done well, may help accomplish these goals.
Riiiiiiight. Because the alarmists haven’t spent almost two decades beating the drum, trying to “bring awareness” to this OMG WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE crisis. Which has, you know, failed, as belief in this busload of bushwah (anyone else but me miss Colonel Potter from MASH and his sayings?) continues to drop. But, it’s just like liberals to think that if people don’t believe their buffalo bagels, they must be stupid and need more education, instead of saying “hey, maybe people are realizing we’re selling snake oil.” Another quote vis a vis climate alarmists: “Oh, you’re a peck of pips, all right. ….you had to put ‘Be Stupid’ first on your list of ‘Things to do Today.”
There is good reason to think that those who are worried about climate change would make greater progress – especially among Republicans, who profess increasing skepticism about warming – if they focused less on arguing the scientific reality and more on building support for specific solutions that all sides can agree on.
Perhaps if the watermelons (green on the outside, Red on the inside) would stop pushing legislation that controls people and destroys economies, we’d listen
There is a long list of carbon-reduction measures that strong majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents firmly support, including mandating better fuel efficiency, increasing federal funding for clean-energy research, spending more for mass transit, raising efficiency standards for homes and other buildings, and requiring utilities to produce more energy from renewable sources. They even support limits on emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases – just as long as they are seen as anti-pollution measures, not “caps.”
Really? Really, Republicans support……..none of them. Yes, we would like better MPG. We would like more alternative energy sources. Mass transit is great, in areas were it works, and if it doesn’t lose money and have to be subsidized. Better home efficiency is great. Yet, we do not want to mandate any of those, nor spend tons of taxpayer dollars. We would be all for positively incenting the private sector to go for it, though.
Even as avowed a climate-change denier as Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) is open to considering action on black carbon (more commonly known as soot), thought to be the second-largest contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide. As he told the Guardian last year, his interest in black carbon stems from concern about poor families in Africa who suffer lung disease as a result of cooking with wood stoves. “I am surprised that anyone would be at all surprised that I would be trying to find out about black carbon while I don’t buy the idea that anthropogenic gases are causing global warming,” he said.
Black carbon has a minimal affect on global warming, but, it does have a large impact on health, including the creation of smog. Nice try, though, WP.
Of course, as I have mentioned numerous times, climate alarmists only like the idea of “green energy.” As soon as someone actually tries to use it, they protest and stop it. Cape Wind Project? Nope, they have tried to stop it for over a decade. Solar? Great until it’s being built or the transmission lines are to be laid, then they worry about some frigging cactus’s. Hydro-electric? You might mess with some tiny fish. Screw evolution, apparently fish can’t adapt. And if they truly wanted people to buy what they’re selling, they could start by living the life they say everyone else should live.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. sit back and Relax. we’ll dRive!

I did my part for global warming today. I burned a pile of sticks and junk that was 20 feet high. It was strange, I thought the CO2 would go to the atmosphere and help increase the parts per million concentration. But instead, once it cooled it came down to earth and nourished the plants. Really did make me mad.
There you go, that’s the way to do it!
[…] How To Stop Globull Warming – Even If You Think It's Mule Fritters … […]
Wait, I don’t get it, David. You said you BURNED something and then it helped the plants!?!??
OMG. What next, are you going to tell me that the ashes of the burned vegetative material actually helps plants too? You denier!!!!
I love this quote:
On the face of it, such efforts certainly make sense.
On the face of it, removing all humans make sense. On the face of it, evolution makes perfect sense and there is absolute proof. On the face of it, humans are in control of the global temperature without whom the earth would be in a state of static. On the face of it, erosion only happens through a slow, natural and delimited fashion. On the face of it, ice on the poles have always been there. On the face of it, the poles have always been there. On the face of it, AGW believers are idiot nin-kom-poop cult followers.
This blog has made me smile several times today.
I love Pirate’s Cove and all the pirates who comment here!
The alarmists are really digging deep to try and keep their pet rock, er, belief, relevant, eh, Captain?
Thanks much, Trish! Climate hysteria is an easy topic to provide giggles, isn’t it?
Re; Col. Potter:
I use “O-fficial Okey-Dokey” all the time.
Heh! That character was a pip. Hard to follow col Blake, but, they did it
How did we go from Global Warming Alarmism and over-hypism all the way to… MASH?
“Sufferin’ sheepdip! What in the name of Sweet Fanny Adams happened here?!”
Showin’ your age there Teach!! Tsk, Tsk.
Road apples!