What was all that we heard about Islam being tolerant and peaceful? The Pope is appealing for the victims life
Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday made an appeal for a Pakistani Christian mother of five who has been sentenced to death for blasphemy after she collected water from a well to be drunk by Muslims.
“I today express my spiritual closeness to Asia Bibi and her family while asking that, as soon as possible, she may be restored to complete freedom,” said the pontiff at the end of his weekly general audience at the Vatican.
(45 year old Asia) Bibi was charged with insulting Prophet Mohammed, after she was sent by the wife of a village chief in her village in eastern Punjab province to fetch water. Muslim clerics reported her to police after villagers claimed it was sacrilegious to drink water collected by a non-Muslim, Bibi’s husband was quoted as saying.
Following a year-long trial, Bibi was sentenced to death Monday by a court in Nankana, about 75 km from Lahore. Her family announced it would appeal the sentence.
Liberal apologists to attempt to find some sort of similar action by Christians in 3..2..1….
Meanwhile, a father of 6 will face a judge on November 21st in Afghanistan for converting to Islam from Christianity, a capital crime…oh, sorry, had that conversion part backwards.
More: The Jawa Report points out that there is now a petition Bibi freed. Check it out, and send an email (yes, I have now sent one)

[…] The information is from Pirate’s Cove that Pope Benedict XVI has appealed for the life of Asia Bibi. Here is the story. […]
This can’t be right. Only extremist Muslims are violent.
Well, our friends on the Left tell us that only Christians can be violent. Muslims are just “misunderstood”
I see nothing at all wrong here. It is perfectly within their right to prevent people from the gift of water, to ban people based upon the way they look, to prevent access to people based upon religion, to demand death of specific set of minorities, to apply some form of religious experience to what is normally considered a mundane life-sustaining action, to ignore moral and civil law, to feign ignorance of their barbaric religion while actively committing barbarism, to claim sole ownership of propriety and love of life while acting tyrannical, terroristic, suicidal, and psychotic towards the discontinuation of life.
Like I said, I see nothing at all wrong here.
Teach. The islamists are social conservatives. They are not supported by “liberals” I see no support from American “christians” to welcome their coreligionists to immigrate to the USA as refugees. It was the rightwing conservatives who stopped the USA from accepting Jews trying to flee Hitler. The rightwing has long looked the other way when people have been persecuted for their religion. Conservative apologists say that we must accept this type of behavior from our allies. Conservative apologists may talk the talk, but will not let religious refugees walk the walk, into the USA.
Amnesty International has been working on this matterhttp://www.asianimage.co.uk/news/world/8677319.Calls_for_President_to_intervene_over_death_sentence/
Does this mean that they are no longer to be considered as liberal apologists? They probably will be disappointed to lose that honorific.
As for the Pope he is against ALL death penalties, including Tariq Azizhttp://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2010/10/26/vatican-condems-tariq-aziz-death-sentance/
The Human Rights Commison of Pakistan (another group of “liberals) has also condemned the sentence http://centralasiaonline.com/cocoon/caii/xhtml/en_GB/newsbriefs/caii/newsbriefs/2010/11/12/newsbrief-09
When will the social conservatives begin asking for those persecuted christians to be allowed entry into the USA? Perhaps instead of finger pointing they should try looking into the mirror as a way to save her?
You are an example of the fact that their is a mental defect associated with liberals. Jews were kept out of the US before WWII because of FDR, the liberal!! He hated Jews and discussed this openly. Refer you to his words out of the book “Human Smoke”. But that was not his reason for stopping the imigration. The reason was that the people were bring in gold. He was concerned that this would upset his great economic program that kept us in the depression for 20 years.