So, now we know: the whole plan to place National Guard units at the border until there were enough Border Patrol agents was basically a sham, an attempt to dupe the American People that he was Doing Something
The Obama Administration plans to withdraw National Guard troops from the Texas, New Mexico and California borders by the end of February under a new Southwest security plan, even as turmoil in Mexican border cities grows, according to documents obtained by The Washington Examiner.
A letter sent to various members of the Texas Congressional delegation from Texas’ Gov. Rick Perry’s office says, “In February, 2011, the Texas, New Mexico, and California National Guard forces that were deployed to the border in September, 2010, under President’s Obama’s Southwest Border Augmentation Plan, will have 30 days to complete a total draw down of forces.”
The roughly 550 troops will have the month of February to redeploy back to their units, Texas Congressman Ted Poe told The Examiner. Troops would not be pulled off the Arizona border under the plan, and about 100 of the troops would re-deploy there from other states, officials said.
And what is the new Southwest security plan? Not a clue. There is no news about it. Perhaps Obama plans to deploy TSA agents, who’ll grope illegals and smugglers coming across the border, who probably do not want to be groped, like the rest of us.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU. sit back and Relax. we’ll dRive!
Senator Cornyn had this to say regarding the way way border security is being prosecuted
“It’s obvious to any border resident that what is being done is not enough, and local officials are left to deal with the day to day challenges caused by their inaction. The Obama Administration can no longer bury its head in the sand and ignore what is going on on our border. Success must be based on the safety of our communities not the toughness of the talk in Washington.”
It’s not totally fair to blame Obama, since Bush was not particularly good when it came to border security, yet, as we were constantly told while Bush was president “who’s President?” One would think that it would make sense to secure the border, thereby allowing the pro-illegals folks a better chance of passing Amnesty. I’ll admit, the Obama admin. has done a decent job regarding busting and deporting illegals, yet, wouldn’t it be better, and less costly, to stop them from coming in the first place?

Say Teach how is that Border Fence doing ? last I heard it was a 1 BILLION dollar failure.
If he’s released the NG units, they belong to the Governors again. So re-deploy them right back to the border.