Take the Pew Political News IQ Quiz.
I got….
10 questions correct, which put me above 96% of the respondents. Would have gotten 1 more, but, apparently I picked something else instead of Android, which is a question I knew. Hmph.

Take the Pew Political News IQ Quiz.
I got….
10 questions correct, which put me above 96% of the respondents. Would have gotten 1 more, but, apparently I picked something else instead of Android, which is a question I knew. Hmph.
I picked android but it said I got it incorrect, and listed the correct answer as android. Must be a glitch.
Missed the one on military spending. I thought we spent more on Medicare/Medicaid.
Hmm, and I was right, pew was wrong unless I misread the question.
Medicare + Medicaid= 12.79+8.19 = 20.98% of the budget.
Defense = 19.63%
Yeah, I got that same medicare one wrong, too.
Must be a bug for Android, because I supposedly got 10 correct, yet, it said three wrong, which would make 9 correct.