The media is really ramping up their doom and gloom stories ahead of the UN climate conference in exotic Cancun
Devastating changes to sea levels, rainfall, water supplies, weather systems and crop yields are increasingly likely before the end of the century, scientists will warn tomorrow.
Everybody panic!!!!!!1!!!!!! Or not. Just laugh. Especially over the picture used for the story, which is Venice, a city built on marshland, which has been sinking for over 1,000 years, but, obviously, the alarmists say it is now worse because of sea level rise from AGW. Interestingly, when it gets very hot in the Mediterranean, the water tends to evaporate quickly, because it is shallow.
A special report, to be released at the start of climate negotiations in Cancún, Mexico, will reveal that up to a billion people face losing their homes in the next 90 years because of failures to agree curbs on carbon emissions.
Yeah, just laugh at the hysteria.
Up to three billion people could lose access to clean water supplies because global temperatures cannot now be stopped from rising by 4C.
If it can’t be now stopped, then why would we destroy economies? Whoops!
A key feature of these papers is that they assume that even if global carbon emission curbs were to be agreed in the future, these would be insufficient to limit global temperature rises to 2C this century – the maximum temperature rise agreed by politicians as acceptable. “To have a realistic chance of doing that, the world would have to get carbon emissions to peak within 15 years and then follow this up with a massive decarbonisation of society,” said Dr Chris Huntingford, of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Oxfordshire.
Why 2C? And why politicians? Oh, right, money and control. My Bad!
[…] Today's Mega Alarmist Globull Warming Story: A Billion Will Lose … […]
A billion? And thats just in Iowa!!!
I’m just waiting for them to blame what has happened in Detroit on AGW.