It’s windy outside, here in Raleigh. It snowed yesterday, certainly not the earliest (that was October 24th, in 1887, 1903, and 1910), but highly unusual, especially to get a 1/2 to 1 inch. The Colts are now 6-6. My NJ Devils suck beyond belief. Apple still hasn’t lowered the price of the iPad. I blame it all on greenhouse gases, which are supposed to trap heat in the atmosphere
As the world’s environmental ministers arrive in Cancun, Mexico, for the 19th year of negotiations to address global warming pollution, new climate disasters are killing people across the planet…….
Dynamic winter-storm systems driven by the rapidly warming Arctic have plunged much of Europe into killer cold weather for the second year in a row, months after a summer of record heat and precipitation. Up to 30 people have frozen to death in Poland, and thirty more were killed in the rest of Europe.
Many things, such as drought, floods, the Israeli wildfires, and so on are mentioned. We used to call these “weather.” I see no reason to fisk the unbelievable cult like idiocy of the section in bold, do you?
BTW, the US is being blamed for being the worst global warming offender. Back to 1751. Last paragraph.

Raleigh usually gets about 8 inches of snow per year
But rarely this early. And the 15 day forecast has Raleigh below the norm every day bit 1.