Kinda long, but, makes up for that with the watermelon moonbattery
BTW, Obama convened a forum for “environmental justice” yesterday, which was about exactly what you would expect.
More: No Fracking Consensus brings The IPCC’s 12 Days of Christmas

“Featuring five Cabinet secretaries”
Oh, goodie. How do I get my ticket refunded?
It seems that more people choose to revert to pagan tree worship than the baby Jesus. Of course tree worship is forbidden explicitly in the Bible Jeremiah 10: 1-5
11 sisters from the order of St.Watermelon and 1 friar. I had to “man up” in order to get through the whole 12 days! Most of the crap that their true love gave to them were made from petroleum products,i.e. bicycle tires, water bottles,the wrapping on their chocolates,etc.The homemade cookies were probably baked in a gas or electric range.You know they were not baked over a campfire. G_d forbid,that would mean burning fossil fuel like sticks and logs and stuff!
sorry, I couldn’t watch the entire thing,….(throwing up in my mouth a bit)
Marie, hurry up and get out of the bathroom.. I need to puke too!!!!
Of course tree worship is forbidden explicitly in the Bible Jeremiah 10: 1-5
And if people worshiped the tree you might have a point. As they do not, your point is, as usual, meaningless.