Treehugger: Is The Harsh UK Winter Just Weather, Or Climate Change?

You can tell what they think, without even writing it

The UK has been battered by a miserable snow storm: the worst since 1910. Airports have been closed since Saturday, people were marooned in their cars on the highway for hours and the line-up for the Paris-bound Eurostar was around the block.

But was this storm the result of a run of bad weather or should the country officially acknowledge that its weather patterns are changing and they had better do something about it.

They never do get around to truly blaming “climate change”, you know, that thing caused by runaway greenhouse gases released by mankind that cause the Earth (and Mars) to warm up ERADICATING ALL LIFE OMG!!!!!1!!!!! Because the climate has always been completely and utterly stable prior to 1980 (or whatever year they are using this minute).

The question is: why can’t the UK cope? For one reason, the winters are unpredictable, it has only been the last three years that things have been so cold and snowy in comparison with the relatively mild and snow-free winters of the last two decades. So municipalities didn’t stock up on salt for the roads and airports didn’t bother investing in expensive snow removal equipment.

Wait, weather is unpredictable? Who knew? And, really, the UK has been having mild winters pretty much over the last 150 years, since the end of the Little Ice Age, when the climate……changed. And they had harsh winters, which lasted a good chunk of the year, for over a thousand years after the climate…..changed from a warmer one.

Obviously, you should just stop driving your car, heating your home, and cooking. Yes, I mean YOU!

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9 Responses to “Treehugger: Is The Harsh UK Winter Just Weather, Or Climate Change?”

  1. plainslow says:

    Maybe they can’t cope with it because they have been listening to the Climate Change nuts.

  2. captainfish says:

    “Obviously, you should just stop driving your car, heating your home, and cooking. Yes, I mean YOU!”

    Me? Why Me? (Sigh) Dang it! I knew I should have sold my car and rode my bicycle the 30 miles to work 3 years ago. Now look at what I’ve done to the world.


    Right now I am confused. Global warming causes hot, dry, wet, cold, snow, rain, hail, heat, drought, flooding, tornados, blizzards, dust storms and increased allergies?!?!

    OMG, we have so screwed ourselves. If only we had kept burning wood for heat and using vast numbers of horses for transportation, we would not have a changing climate.

    I need to go pray for forgiveness from GAIA. brb

  3. John Ryan says:

    Please tell us oh Teach what percent of the Planet the UK covers. I believe that it is about 1% and has also about 1% of the world’s population.Teach the climate has changed dramatically over the last 4 billion years (or 6000 if you believe in the Bible) BUT at no time in the past has the climate been able to effect 7 billion people. Teach please tell us the last time that the planet was as hot as it is NOW.
    Please tell us when the temps have risen as fast as they are NOW. Also please tell us why YOU think that the temps are going up.

  4. Yes, you, Captain. Plainslow, too. U are both deniers and need to sacrifice for Gaia. Buy a Prius. Travel around the world to climate conferences. Plant trees. Worship Gore. Insha’Gore!

    Nice try, John, but they are having cold all over Europe. Oh, in Austrailia, where it’s supposed to be……summer. Your religion is collapsing, soon to become a new Jonestown.

  5. John Ryan says:

    we do know that the Sun is at and has been at a dimlow out put period for some years, but yet the temps go up?

  6. John Ryan says:

    New record highs in Abilene OMG
    New record highs in Louisiana OMG
    New record highs in europe and Russia over ENTIRE SEASONS OMG
    And here is one of the wack jobs that thinks that the Earth is not getting warmer but COLDER
    Whitley Streiber says that we are going to have another ICE AGE OMG
    oh but wait he is best known for his book Communion telling about his Alien Abduction

  7. gitarcarver says:

    Hey Ryan, I guess you didn’t read the whole article on Whitley Streiber.

    His contention is that a global mega storm is coming and is heightened by “man contributing to global warming.”

    The very guy you dismiss and upon who you launch an ad hominem attack is from your side.

    He believes in man made global warming.

    If you think he is a nut, he is a nut who believes just as you do.

    Birds of a feather.

  8. Please tell us oh Teach what percent of the Planet the UK covers. I believe that it is about 1% and has also about 1% of the world’s population.Teach the climate has changed dramatically over the last 4 billion years (or 6000 if you believe in the Bible) BUT at no time in the past has the climate been able to effect 7 billion people. Teach please tell us the last time that the planet was as hot as it is NOW. Please tell us when the temps have risen as fast as they are NOW. Also please tell us why YOU think that the temps are going up.

  9. captainfish says:

    Johnny???? Is that you?!?!!? Silly boy.

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