Interesting that the Center For Constitutional Rights, a far left pro-communist and open borders lobby group, has never announced an indictment against people like Osama Bin Laden, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, or any of the other Islamic terrorists on the FBI’s top 10 list. Of course, like so many on the far left, they quietly support the ideals of Islamic terrorists, and Islamists in general, and tend to avoid discussion of things like al Qaeda having an actual torture manual, beheadings, hanging gays and women who have been raped, suicide bombings, and all the other things the hardcores do. No, instead they announce an indictment of President Bush
GENEVA and NEW YORK – February 7 – Today, two torture victims were to have filed  criminal complaints, with more than 2,500-pages of supporting material, in Geneva against former U.S. President George W. Bush, who was due to speak at an event there on  12 February. Swiss law requires the presence of the torturer on Swiss soil before a preliminary investigation can be opened.  When Bush cancelled his trip to avoid prosecution, the human rights groups who prepared the complaints made it public and announced that the Bush Torture Indictment would be waiting wherever he travels next. The Indictment serves as the basis on which to prepare country-specific, plaintiff-specific indictments, with additional evidence and updated information. According to international law experts at the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the Berlin-based European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), former presidents do not enjoy special immunity under the Convention Against Torture (CAT). (snip)
According to the Bush Indictment, which was written on behalf of torture victims by CCR and ECCHR, former President Bush bears individual and command responsibility for the acts of his subordinates which he ordered, authorized, condoned or otherwise aided and abetted, as well as for the violations committed by his subordinates which he failed to prevent or punish. (snip)
The Bush Torture Indictment, the official “letter of denunciation” summarizing the case and other materials are available here:
I’d say this is unbelievable, but, really, it’s not, not when we are discussing the hard left, which has more in common with America’s enemies, not to mention the enemies of freedom, liberty, and modern life. These are the people who would constantly deflect and never answer questions such as “and Islamist has planted a nuclear weapon in your parents home town. Would you waterboard the suspect to gain the information quickly to save your parents life?” The answer in their world is always “no, I wouldn’t”, but, they won’t ever say that.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

If only we could find an islamist jihadist who gives a shit about who he blows up, we could prove your point. Problem is, they will kill anyone who is an infidel (as well as the acceptable casual of their own kind) and have no more use for these peace activist morons who take up the cause so faux-nobley, than they do us. Liberals somehow think if you just chat with them, they’d understand you. Well guess what bleeding sweetheart, they don’t give a flying fox what you are. And they will as soon kill attendees at a rally of Code Pink as they would a Tea Party. So get over yourselves. And thank Bush for getting the info for us, and protecting us for his presidency. The job is a whole lot bigger now, and the man working it is a much smaller man than GW ever was.
Shoulda landed. I’d like to see the process server swatted by the Secret Service protection detail.
I would have liked to have seen the position Obama would have been put into had Bush actually been arrested.