The lunatics have been given their marching orders, and the Will Comply! Global warming makes a lot of snow more typical
Near-record snows have occurred this winter in parts of the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, and the South, and in many cases these snow events were followed up with arctic intrusions of air. These occurrences have many asking, “What happened to global warming?â€
Temperatures continue to warm in most locations on our planet, even though the most populous regions of the United States, Europe, and Australia saw below-average temperatures in this map from December 2010 (courtesy of the UK Met Office). The important thing to take into account when looking at our departures from normal is “Is it representative of the entire planet, or is it just happening here?†There are extremely warm temperatures still occurring in eastern Russia, Canada, and Greenland this winter … the likes of which more than cancel out the colder spots on the planet.
Um, the important thing to take away is that it is, or at least was, called global warming (as in “mankind is causing most or all of it), and, there is that pesky word “global,” meaning that mankind’s release of greenhouse gases was making the globe warm. That is the whole point in calling it “global warming!”
And Eric Sornesen continues on with his alarmist talking points about how global warming is making it snow like it is 1599 (Little Ice Age), leading to
Here in Rockford, it is likely that we will exceed 50 inches of snowfall this winter, which will be the fourth season in a row with a tremendous snowfall. (The 30-year average is 38.7 inches.) The extreme tallies of snow are significant because the past four winters have been cooler than normal here in the Midwest. During the snow-drought years back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, we had significantly higher temperatures in the winter, so much so that we were breaking all-time high temperatures … not your typical snow-making conditions.
Wait, wait, higher temps and less snow? Lower temps and more snow? Four straight winters of tremendous snow? Has anyone explained to Eric that climate is the long term trends of …… weather? So, this could be a ….. cooling trend? Oh, sorry, forgot, globull warming causes lots of snow.

Hey, I’ll believe in Globull Warming if it snows on my golf trip next week down in Key West. We’re expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow tonight here in SC
“(The 30-year average is 38.7 inches.) ”
I wonder what the 100 year average and the 100 year storm, that’s the number they use for things like like building codes.
There is a recipe for making ice cubes in your oven…
1) Preheat oven to 350F
2) Use metal ice cube trays as plastic ones melt for some strange reason.
3) After 10 minutes cool, then
4) Store in freezer until needed.
Works everytime
As I freeze my way through this winter, I’ve developed some new thoughts on the GLOBULL WARMING issue.
1. The glaciers are NOT melting; they’re just relocating to my neighborhood.
2. Last year the Obamas mocked Washington’s poor handling of snow as compared with THEIR home town. This winter God has had something to say on that matter… I think all of Chicago is praying Obama will shut his wise-cracking mouth.
3. If temps and water levels were really going to rise, WHY WOULD ALGORE MOVE TO A MALIBU BEACHFRONT PROPERTY IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA? ? ? ? ?
Maggie Mama- you gave me my first laugh of the day!!!!!!
Oh, and here’s an article from 2000, and there have been others since, stating AGW is going to end snow across the continent.
Based on the inaccuracies and misleading statistics the “experts” have given us to date, I am not selling my sleds, shovels, gloves or boots anytime soon!
I don’t know about you, Trish, but I can see Alaska from my house!
Hahahaha. Really? Then you must be my neighbor, cause it’s right up the street from me too!!!!
[…] Yet More “Globull Warming†Causes Cold And Snow Wait, wait, higher temps and less snow? Lower temps and more snow? Four straight winters of tremendous snow? Has anyone explained to Eric that climate is the long term trends of …… weather? So, this could be a ….. cooling trend? Oh, sorry, forgot, globull warming causes lots of snow. […]