And people wonder why I’m now calling them “climate morons?”
We’ve all read about polar bears forced by fast-melting arctic sea ice to swim for their lives. That’s a far away dream for most. A black bear sleeping in a Wisconsin back yard, in the middle of February, however, is an indicator of oncoming change. Nature is different than before.
Fooled by a 2-day mid-winter warm spell, a lower-48 blackie might roust itself, but then return to the den, awaiting the real warmth of late March or April. Not, however, in the middle of February!
Either this poor bear was chased out of it’s den by dogs or kids or a bulldozer, or climate change has penetrated the American dream. Goldilocks hide your porridge.
Notice that the morons completely discount evolution, and the ability of the bears to adapt.
Video below the fold
None of this proves that the warming is caused mostly or solely by mankind.