Even The Politico is having a tough time cheerleading for the bat guano super-weasel Harry Reid is pushing
The Senate passed an aviation reauthorization bill Thursday night, ending three weeks of work on a relatively standard piece of legislation that Democrats are calling a “downpayment†on their broader jobs agenda.
“Today, the Senate passed a common-sense bipartisan bill,†said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to reporters after the aviation bill passed. “It’s a jobs bill, actually, that would create or save 280,000 jobs.â€
The FAA bill authorizes $35 billion in spending. It would modernize the nation’s air traffic control system and install a GPS-based radar system. The legislation also includes a “passenger bill of rights†that allows air travelers to leave the plane if they are delayed more than three hours, plus installs a penalty of a year in prison or $100,000 fine for anyone who misuses images taken from security scanners at airports.
A standard piece of legislation that Congress passes all the time, which is why it is a “re-authorization bill.” But, hold on a second
The Senate passed a similar aviation bill last year, 93 to 0, but it never reached the president’s desk – it was stalled for minor reasons.
“There are so many things that I like about this bill, but the most important thing is, it passed,†said Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.). “We have delayed it 17 times, thus creating havoc in the airport construction industry, all kinds of things.â€
Let’s see: Democrats have been in charge of the Senate for the last 4 years. Harry Reid has been the majority leader. That means, since the bill was stalled, he killed/destroyed 280,000 jobs last year. And, no, I don’t have to prove that number. Democrats do not seem to have to prove their numbers, why should I prove mine?
Reid also took shots at the GOP led House for spending time discussing budget cuts and the budget. Fortunately, Reid plans to take up something more important than reining in absurd spending that’s turning America into Greece. Next up for him? Patent reform (which will probably save/create 7.2 gazillion jobs!)
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Fortunately, Reid plans to take up something more important than reining in absurd spending that’s turning America into Greece. Next up for him? Patent reform….
I don’t like Reid and cannot believe he would be doing this. If he really wants to take on patent reform and address it in any meaningful way, he is going to run afoul of the powerful lawyer / litigant lobby.
Patent laws as currently written cost companies in development costs and innovation. Patents are allowed to be too broad and should require, as in the original days of patents, a working prototype for approval. As it is, someone can (and has) patented “paying bills on the internet.” They never developed an actual working model, but they have sued companies to protect a patent.
Reid is too beholding to the litigant lobby to actually do anything beneficial for patent reform.