Globull climate something or other is surely the only thing could be making this happen
TUCSON, Ariz. — Severe weather across the country this winter, has led to a shortage of blood.
More than 850 blood drives have been canceled. The local Red Cross is looking for about 300 more blood donors in the next two weeks to help make up for the loss of 32,000 donations due to the weather.
Is there nothing AGW doesn’t affect?

I just noticed that we’re out of iodized salt. DAMN YOU, GLOBAL WARMING!
More powerful than bacon?!!
I noticed the two big Electric cars sales numbers are staggering.
Leaf….Sold 87 units in 2 months.
Volt…Sold 327 units in 2 months.
Seriously that is sad. This is why the government wants to subsidize these cars. That is why the AGW crowd wants governments around the world to subsidize its movement and
FORCE….people to live a certain way…..The left tells us thats called Fascism when the right tries to tell us how to live.
When the left does it………its not fascism……its being responsible.